Going for the Golden Games

Breaking News! From the Files Tuesday Would You Believe It Wednesday

Ahh, the Summer of 2016. Anti CCSS Warriors, no doubt you will more than likely be watching the Summer Olympics from Brazil in about one month. In the past I exposed for you how the Special Olympics had not only gone Common Core aligned, but was using the Special Needs participants data for tracking purposes. (In case you missed that one, see: https://www.commoncorediva.com/2015/12/07/monday-musings-more-than-meets-the-eye/)

So, it should be NO surprise that the International Olympic Games be aligned to a global education agenda. Where there is global education agenda, there will be Common Core! (*Note: As the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) calls it, ‘college and career ready’/’challenging state academic standards’. No matter what name, it is ALL global education agenda driven!)
This in-depth article follows the agenda.

Where the Global Agenda for Educational Play/Sports Can Be Found:

Look no further than the WHO (World Health Organization). WHO is a part of the UN (United Nations). UN also has UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization). UNESCO has the global “Education for All” agenda. UNESCO and Bill Gates also signed an agreement in 2004 for a global curriculum. (See Berit Kjos’  publication, “Common Core: A Global Education”) UNESO also has IB (International Baccalaureate Schools). Those IB Schools have an extremely controversial altruistic helping write curriculum.
The IB Schools are among the educational institutions included in the ESSA.
To see the evidence/research from my previously published articles (which contain files):
Global education ideology:
UNESCO-like Recesses:
https://www.commoncorediva.com/2016/04/19/play-money/ (*Note: This one will also link you to the ‘Prevent Common Core’ article I wrote on the PE/Sports alignment to CCSS/global education. You will also find the Global Health Standards embedded in this article.)
The Controversial Altruistic Helping IB Schools:

Where the IOC (International Olympics Committee) is Taking Global Ed:

In the screen shot above, notice the underlined sentence. ‘Sports as a possible source for inner improvement’.
While that doesn’t appear on the surface to be so aligned to global education, or even the CCSS agenda, think about how aligned to CCSS, sports already is!
Think about the mandates in the ESSA where personal learning, student achievement, and behavior interventions (among others) will use anything remotely connected to education to use it for alignment purposes. Consider all the other Warriors who have shown us the mental destruction CCSS is causing NOW.

None of this, of course will be talked about during the Olympics Games themselves. Everyone will be cheering, fawning over how great the Gold, Silver, and Bronze medalists did in their respective sports. No one will stop to think (at least for long), just how thin a veil of deception is being laid over the time in Brazil.

So, Warriors Against the Core, what can WE learn about the IOC’s Ed Program?! Let’s find out!
Website: https://www.olympic.org/olympic-values-and-education-program
According the Overview of the Program, sports is considered the ‘school of life’. Now, let me pause for just a moment..
Not 2 or 3 days ago I published an article about the “Readiness Redefined” National Campaign. Among the ‘readiness’ portions of education to be redefined? Life! (See: https://www.commoncorediva.com/2016/07/09/ready-or-not/)

Also according to the Overview, the Program interlinks with 21st Century Skills which are needed (not to mention also embedded in the WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act), HEA (Higher Education Act), ESSA, STEM Act, and more). The IOC Ed Program is to be used inside and outside the classroom. ESSA has mandates for during school and after school student activities, supports, etc.

The basis for the Program is in the power of the Olympic Symbols. (I kid you not.)
Here is the excerpt, “Using the symbols of the Olympic Games, the themes of Olympism, and drawing on the lore of the ancient and modern Olympic Games, the programme aims to disseminate a values-based curriculum that will shape the development of child and youth character. Using the context of Olympic sports, participants are taught skills and strategies that will help them to assume the responsibilities of global citizenship and civic literacy.”
Below is a screen shot you should click on to enlarge. See the thin veil of deception being used for global education agenda?

If you want to know how to Implement the IOC’s Ed Program, look below. The link to download the entire poster will be beneath the screen shot.


What’s worth noting is that the Program has a FREE toolkit for educators, community leaders, or anyone who wishes to use the educational lessons. The toolkit will be available for downloading soon, but in the meantime check out the information. See: https://www.olympic.org/olympic-values-and-education-program/about-the-toolkit

Other Olympic Education Initiatives:

Since 1988 (according to the IOC’s website), there has been a new educational outreach (aka: initiative) each Olympics. So far, there are 21 initiatives. For example the Initiative from Slovenia is called the Fair Play School. One of the main objectives? Teaching tolerant behavior through PE. See: https://www.olympic.org/slovenia-promoting-values-of-sport-and-olympism-fair-play-school
Over on the UNESCO website for Fair Play Schools (FPS) Initiative, it is called “Fair Play:  the Winning Way”.
See all the responsibilities involved in being a FPS: http://portal.unesco.org/education/en/ev.php-URL_ID=2223&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html

Warriors, did you know there is a United Nations Secretary on Sports for Development and Peace? The Coaches Guide (used all over the world) is full of kinds of ways to use sports as skill building for good citizenship. Download the GuideCoaches_Guide_english

If you would like to see the other Olympic Education Initiatives (some links work, some don’t), see: https://www.olympic.org/olympic-values-and-education-program/initiatives

Let’s face it, CCSS/Global aligned education will not be going into anyone’s decision when they buy into the Olympic marketing. Yet, the IOC redistributes those dollars to not only athletes, but sport organizations across the globe. See below:

Broadcasting rights in the US? NBC, a well known Common Core Supporter.
If you really want to follow the money trail for the Olympics, you can use this Marketing Fact Guide which tells the global partners for Rio 2016. (See Page 11. How many CCSS Machine member organizations do you see? I saw Toyota as an example. They are banner leaders in the adult version of CCSS: CTE (Career Tech Education). See: Olympic-Marketing-Fact-File-2016

Think of it this way, every time we purchase an Olympic postage stamp, T-shirt, or a product from the global partners, we are feeding the very CCSS Machine set on leveling education to a globally aligned one.

Oh, A Few Last Facts:

Brazil is considered a ‘Champion Country’ for UNESCO’s “Education for All” (that one world curriculum discussed earlier). To see all the accomplishments UNESCO is so proud of from Brazil, http://www.unesco.org/new/en/brasilia/education/education-for-all/

Contrast that with the 2015 Brazil Business Report about the problems of Brazil’s education, http://thebrazilbusiness.com/article/the-brazilian-educational-system

The Federal Government of Brazil regulates education. They regulate everything about education, both public AND private. See: http://www.brazil.org.za/brazil-education.html

The NASFA (National Association of State Facilities Administrators: Association of International Educators) here in the USA, has a file on Brazil’s education where you can see grading scales for certificates called “Leaving Certificate” when it comes to higher education. See: EDU Systems Brazil
If you do not know about NASFAhttp://www.nafsa.org/About_Us/About_NAFSA/

To see the Common Core NASFA News Release bombshell I found, look below:
The Press Release tells you how NASFA, the CCSSO (Council of Chief State School Officers) and Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (inTASC) partnered together to build off the 2011 CCSS for the new Global Education you see above.

To get the Global Prep Guide featured in the Press Release, click their embedded link. It is available to download for free, but you must be a logged in visitor or member to get the download. I found a sample Standard, however: http://www.nafsa.org/_/File/_/intasc/InTASC_2015_Standard1.pdf


Warriors, I hope you have learned much in this article. I know in researching, I did.
How can we fight this? So much already seems to much in place for us to defeat it.
As always, once you know, go..and tell others. Power is in the people’s hands to defeat more from our top-down educational system than we realize. Get involved. If you haven’t read the ESSA Proposed Regulations yet, do so! Provide feedback where you see the gross overreaches in these regulations. Refuse to support any part of the CCSS Machine you choose to..be it buying an Olympic t-shirt to boycotting McDonald’s. (One word though: the more who boycott the same place, the more impacting the message is). One huge factor of ESSA everyone seems to not know, or has glossed over. Congress can still reign in the U.S. Dept. of Ed!

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