My State In The W_ _ _ d

Weekend News

Hello, Anti Fed Ed, Anti CCSS, and Anti Global Ed Warriors! If you noticed, I’ve added a ‘new’ type of Warrior to the list.

Since I began researching the shift in education (2009), I knew from one of Tom DeWeese’s articles that the end game for education in America was globally tied.

It was, in fact, this particular article and another one (by Cathy Duffy) about the push in America for national standards, which bothered me enough to begin researching!

As you know, since then, I’ve found plenty of evidence to support BOTH of these well respected citizens’ findings.  Since I began blogging (2014), the flood gates to support even more evidence to the global/national standards has come my way. I’ve done my best to share all that I can with you, so that, all of us are as informed as we can be in our War Vs. the Core.

You might be wondering about the title of this particular article. It’s short for “My State in the World”.

Warriors,  here are some documents I’ve found which point directly to the facts that education in your State hasn’t been American for some time now. Between our Governors and Public Depts of Education/Instruction, the UN/UNESCO shift has been in place since the mid 1980s! What follows is an in-depth, information packed article.

Take your time in reading and researching what’s in your State. It’s imperative!

The Files in Timeline Form:

(1985): So far, this is the oldest evidence I have found. It’s from MN.
The Report is one created by a global education task force that had been set up to prepare the way for a K-12th grade “Global Education Decade”  beginning in the 1999-2000 academic year. By starting this gigantic ball rolling in 1985, all the framwork would be in place by 1990. It is in this Report titled “Minnesota in the World”, that you’ll see the ’21st Century needs’ rhetoric popping up.

Let me be clear, you will NOT see the UN/UNESCO mentioned in this Report. However, the imprint is there. Who you will see as an influential force behind the shift for MN, is the (then) Dean of the Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota (Harlan Cleveland). Cleveland wrote a book called “The Knowledge Executive”.
The “MN in the World” Report includes excerpts. Here’s a screen shot:


How was Cleveland tied to the UN? Google Books includes his biography. He led post WWII rebuilding efforts for the UN. Google’s bio also reveals Cleveland was a top leader in the Marshall Plan; that he was appointed by President Kennedy as an Assistant Secretary of State to the UN.

President Einsenhower tagged Cleveland as a NATO official. You will also see his ties to the Aspen Institute and more. (*Note: if you’d like to see how the modern day Aspen Institute and others are directing the States to the UN/global shift via ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act), find it here.)

Not only will Cleveland be one to note in the MN Report, but also,  former U.S. Dept. of Education Secretary, T. H. Bell. Look below for his proclamation.

bell Mr. Bell was appointed by President Reagan as the Sec. of Education. He is the same Bell who headed up the Committee which produced the 1983 “Nation At Risk” report.
Bell also was the National Commission of Education (housed then in the U.S. Dept. of Interior) before the creation of the U.S. Dept. of Education.

We can ‘thank’ the 1983 version of “Nation At Risk” for the national assessments increase as well as the use of the word ‘accountability’ as a call for more federal dollars to flow into our States. Thanks to ESSA, the ‘accountability’ means more control from the U.S. Dept. of Education, NOT less.

(1987): Look below, the book emphasized is not available in its complete form, on-line.
(*Note the underlined participants.)


(Entering the 1990s):
From the UNESCO on-line library,  you’ll find documents dating back to the mid 1990s for the shift in technical/vocational education, which has been rebranded as “CTE” or ‘Career Tech Education’ here in the United States. I found the document where ‘lifelong learning’ is described as a bridge to the future. It’s from 1999.  Look below for a modern rendition of such a ‘bridge’:

Then, factor in this OECD (Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development) document’s proclamation below:


Warriors, this particular Report (as seen above) was published in 2007. But look at the original year OECD released ‘lifelong learning’..1996. As far as I have been able to find, no on-line version of the 1996 original book is available. You can access it via several university libraries, however. Here’s a description as to why it is vital we find it.

(1999):  NC’s educational shift to globalization appears to have taken place around this time.

(From 2000 to currently):
UNESCO’s  5 year review of the 1996 ‘beginnings’ for ‘lifelong learning’.
OCED’s 5 year review of the 1996 ‘beginnings’.

(2006): NC’s Governor creates the first Center for 21st Century Skills in the nation.
See below:
To see Report One (2007) and Report Two (2007), click on each year. (To access my previous article on NC’s Global Readiness, click here.)

A Western Michigan University look at ‘lifelong learning’ by Professor Emeritus Bosco.
Look below:
In the modern educational reform you’ll find Professor Bosco is an investigator for the CoSN (Consortium of School Networking), as well. CoSN is a big part of the CCSS Machine. I wrote about their part in “The Redefining Ready” Initiative in 2016.

This NY based resource was originally begun in 2006 and updated to this form in 2009.
What’s interesting in this resource, is that it  pointed out that the US federal level of education looked first to New York and Massachussettes for educational policies. There are several other very interesting pieces of evidence in this resource as well. For example, each President’s involvement in education is included from 1945-2009.

Observations from this resource:
What were the educational policies from NY and MA back in the 60s?  I have no clue as to why those policies were worthy enough to become nationally known or used. I do question how much of those policies helped shape the 1965 ESEA (Elementary and Secondary Education Act). I do question why our federal government would choose the 2 States where we can find today, some of the biggest CCSS Machine member organizations/supporters.

I was able find that NY amended its educational law to reflect 21st Century learning and global education back in 1999. (*Note: scroll down to the text portion of the page.)

What about MA? I found a thesis where the history of MA’s shift to global education is laid out. The State specific information begins on page 48. You’ll find UNESCO’s SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), The Asia Society (the State of NC is knee-deep in a relationship with them), and so much more. However, look below at what the author found are the ‘must-haves’ for global education to survive:


Warriors, have you seen these 5 elements where you live? If your State is seeing a shift in Teacher training for global education, start on page 36. It’s all laid out.

(2013): NC’s Global Education Task Force Preparing Students for the World: Final Report of the State Board of Education’s Task Forceon Global Education reveals STEM is one of the biggest tools to shift education, not for academics, but for economic purposes.

(2014):  Harvard University (the very same pro CCSS/CTE, Pearson Publishing partnership which created Pathways to Prosperity and thus helped create Career Pathways for education), pumped out this Report on global education.

Interestingly enough, some of the ‘expert solutions’ for aligning education? Increase apprenticeships, create more charter schools, and, cause a unity between government, education, and, teachers.
(*Note: one of the featured experts in the above Report, has an open page of resources on the MA Assoc. for School Superintendents for MA’s G21 (Global21) Project. All kinds of resources can be found there.)

(2015): Washington Times Reporter Bethany Blankley reveals the Qatar Foundation participation in the global shift in education. See the screen shot below:

More vital resources for your Anti Warrior’s information:
a) Berit Kjos’s timeline of Common Core throughout the world.
b) My 2016 international data mining article.
c) Charlotte Iserbyt’s “Exposing the Road to Global Ruin” You Tube series (begin with the short introduction video at the 1:38 time mark and follow the connected videos.)
d) Diana Anderson’s excellent compiled article on global education.


Warriors, I am, by no means claiming to have the authoritative voice on the shift in global education. I believe Charlotte Iserbyt, Diana Anderson, and many others before me have that. However, when we use their roots and add the information as it surfaces, we help create a strong force of information that answers many questions.
We also can see many things which have been played down by our leaders, or, worse, left out completely. We also can use this information to form new ways in which to protect our students AND our nation.

I urge you, look in your State’s legislative archives for when your “State and the World Project” began. It may be under a slightly different name, but the signs ARE there.

16 thoughts on “My State In The W_ _ _ d

  1. In TN I found Ready For The World at U of T Knoxville (a hotbed of progressivism). It fits with what you said about but it is at the college level. I didn’t find anything resembling this at the K-12 level although I am sure it is in the curriculum. Remember Education for Sustainable Development Tool Kit was created at the U of T Knoxville by UN Secretariat Roslyn McKeown. Yes right here in the Bible Belt conservative (?) TN.

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