Draft Plan or Daft Plan?

Weekend News

To my fellow anti Fed Ed and CCSS Warriors, it is increasingly clear our States have sold us out. They did it with RttT (Race to the Top), the CCSSI (Common Core State Standards Initiative), the constant re-branding of CCSS (Common Core State Standards), and everything in between which would connect education to workforce based outcomes.

It was SUPPOSED to stop with ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act), but as we’ve researched and shared, that, too was a sell out.

By now, you’ve probably seen and heard about the States which already turned in their ESSA State Plans to the U.S. Dept. of Education, only to have them bounce back faster than a bad check. Have you been able to get a look at any of the State Plans which will be due in September 2017?

The last time I looked at the NC State ESSA Draft Plan was back in Feb. 2017. It’s where I compared the alignment of not only NC’s ESSA Plan, but how strikingly similar it was to SC’s Draft Plan at the time. If you missed the article highlighted above, I urge you to read it. Not only does it impact ALL 50 States, but there is quite a bit that those ESSA braggarts left out we need to know. (For example, did you know that ALL 50 States must meet parts of the General Education Provisions Act as well as all the mandates laid out in ESSA?)

In the most recent version of the NC ESSA State Draft, the document is 184 pages long. Oh, and more color pictures have been added. See below. The added emphasis is mine.


If you’d like to access the entire Plan2017draft-state-plan 


So, are you wondering about the “Theory” behind NC’s Daft (I mean) Draft Plan? Look below. You’ll find this particular section on Page 8 of the Plan, directly beneath the snazzy color picture you see above.

ncdamnWarriors, do you see this?! Do you believe it?!

The State of NC, just like the other 49, is using YOUR child as a test subject in an unknown and unproven system with YOUR tax dollars! (*Note: back in 2016, I published an article detailing some of the ESSA experimentation which would be continuing CCSS or creating more alignment.)

The CCSS Machine is so busy pumping out the jargon of ‘personalized learning’ (which is a coded educratic phrase), that we are missing the point: teachers should gauge the learning pace, not students. Teachers should be free to use their proven ideas in the classroom, not leav it up to professionals not designed for classroom interactions.

This is like telling your 6 year old that you’ll let them get behind the wheel of your car and HOPE it all works out.

Do you see the ‘transforming from the industrial age’ statement? Yep, NC’s bent over backwards to make sure it’s one of the most digitalized and conformed States in the nation. At every grade level and for every educational choice. I’ve documentend it well, as have other citizens.


To show you how NC officials feel about ‘personalized learning’, you need to see their words, not mine.

Click to enlarge the screen shot (or find the evidence on Page 9). Four ‘pillars’ which are to be STATE supported, not parent chosen, for your child’s education. Since these pillars are ‘state led’, do not think the federal government hasn’t mandated HOW the leadership is to take place. If so, why are so many State Plans being rejected? It’s because ESSA’s mandates do NOT allow MORE State-led control!

As far as ‘state supported’? No, try state controlled by way of the federal government, instead.

As far as NC’s Daft (oops, I meant ‘draft’) definition of ’empowered educators’, a very loose idea. Why? It’s to fit ESSA’s mandates to allow those who partner with education to be considered an ‘educator’. Remember, the increase of the business world in education ESSA has mandated? This loose definition of ‘educator’ fits perfectly.


Other Daft Moves by NC?

1) For ‘early education’ the B3 Interagency Council (partners the NC DPI, NC Dept. of Health/Human Services, and the NC Partnership for Children). Their overreach into the younger students’ lives? Data driven pathways.

2) For ‘early education’ continuing the CCSS aligned “NC Reads” program. It’s supposed to have kids ready to read by the time they get to the classroom. I think NC’s daftness is really showing here. For our Kindergartner students, class is where they SHOULD learn to read, not come already prepared.

3) For all students, a new interagency for the “NC Whole Child”. The premise? A ‘whole child’ in a ‘whole school’ to learn to be part of a ‘whole community’.  Note that you’ll see both the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) and ASCD as creators. Both are part of the CCSS Machine.


To  access the entire “NC Whole Child” program, visit here.

4) For the Teachers, ‘digital competency standards’ as derived by iNACOL, a huge CCSS Machine member organization. iNACOL is part of the global push for aligned education in America. These ‘standards’ are also a continued effort for NC that have been backed by our NC General Assembly.

5) For all students, ‘global-readiness’. While NC’s been globalizing students before now, under the Draft ESSA State NC Plan, more infrastructure changes will take place to continue this alignment. What does this mean? More internet digital access, Smart Cities, global standards, and so much more. Here’s a recently published article. With all the infrastructure changes, you’ll need to look for Innovation Districts/schools, Lab Schools and similar. You’ll also find infrastructure changes in Head Start, Early Head Start, 21st Century Community Learning Centers, and more.

Of The “Proven” CCSS Aligned Programs NC will keep:

1) You’ll see Home Base (a massive SLDS system put in place by Pearson Publishing, but now run by the NC DPI). See the Financial Evidence .2) Smart Start/NC PreK  (a 2016 look at how ESSA was to hurt the littlest learners)
3) Career and College Promise (ties to a National CBP, Competency Based Pathway System)
4) NC Virtual Public School (a 2015 exposure)
5) Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) The 2016 article I published revealed not only much about PBIS, but how ESSA and Pearson capitalize on this system to alter attitudes in our children. You’ll also see an SC school district’s example. You’ll also see how those 21st Century Community Learning Centers are woven in.

Warriors, the CC Curriculum isn’t going away, even with ESSA in place.


For more emphasis, this  2016 article where I pointed out the massive NC deceptions in much of what you see above, is offered to you.

What of similar nature is happening in your State? How ‘daft’ are our leaders? How ‘daft’ do they assume WE are?!

Lastly, Warriors, what are we WILLING to do about it? Shall we continue to offer up our students as test subjects while the powers in place try to run education?


7 thoughts on “Draft Plan or Daft Plan?

  1. This plan for individualized learning and learning at your own pace sets us up very nicely for what Charlotte Iserbyt and Anita Hoge have been warning us about. It is the Communist poly-tech school to work program. Where kids get no grades. No competition. They can finish school at 12 or 30 but they do not move forward until they have met the pre-determined desired outcomes. Do you believe in global warming? No. WRONG. Do you believe in global warming? No. WRONG. Do you believe in global warming. Yes. Yeah now you can move on. Get it??

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