A Test Of Time

Riddle Me This Sunday Sic 'Em Saturday

Warriors Against the Core, this article will be very short.

I’m  in the “Sic ‘Em” mood. I think many of us are. Today, I’m pretty much summing up our findings after all these years fighting the War Vs. the Core. 

It’s been said we need to wake up more parents to join us in protecting our kids. I’ll not be presumptuous enough to claim this (what you’ll see below) is “IT”, but it sure can help.

Regardless if you are a Christian or not, everyone is familiar with the Bible’s Ten Commandments. You know the list:
1) God said I brought you out of bondage so, have no other gods before me.
2) Don’t make graven images to worship.
3) No blasphemy.
4) Keep the Sabbath.
5) Honor your parents.
6) No murder.
7) No adultery.
8) No theft.
9) No lies.
10) Don’t covet.

Warriors, stay with me…let’s take these basic  commandments (which were actually guidelines to aim for) and apply them to the modern CCSS Machine education reform.

As you know, since I began writing and speaking out, I have referred to all the egregiousness as a ‘machine’. In my Warrior mindset, assigning all that is going on as a result of this modern education reform, is much easier to understand.

What you’ll see below is my take of what the unspoken Education Reform Commandments are. Was there ever anything similar written down? Who knows, but it’s what we’ve been living out from the past to today.

Warriors, we must fight on to protect our students and teachers! Please use the picture to help point out to those who are still misinformed.

Speak up, speak out! Don’t simply rely on those who’ve been in this War Vs. the Core for a long time. Work shoulder to shoulder.

We see our federal/state legislation carrying out the Education Reform Commandments, daily. Look at how much of what is happening in these ‘commandments’ for money; not quality of life, but money.

This shift goes way beyond education and is attacking the entire  family. It’s a chain reaction. Negatively impact education, and an entire society goes to Hell.

It doesn’t happen overnight, but it does happen. It’s up to us to throw a kink in the CCSS Machine.

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