Reduced To Absurdity Via Delphi Moves

Tech Thursdays Would You Believe It Wednesday

Oh, my Anti Fed Ed Warriors, we’ve survived yet another election. My hat is tipped to those men and women who ARE against federally led education who ran for office. From what I know, most of them were beaten out by the Establishment. For shame, we need Warriors in power! However, the focus of my article is about the real loser in the 2018 elections: American education.

Education has been reduced to absurdity by the educrats in DC, State and local levels and well as the CCSS Machine. The November 6th, 2018 elections did ZERO to correct this absurdity, either.
In fact, I’ll wager my research, that if anything, the election results will INCREASE the amount of absurdity in education! This might be funny if it weren’t such a nightmare reality for our students, teachers, parents, and taxpayers. So how has this absurdity been pulled off? Delphi Techniques with a dash of Hegelian Dialect thrown in.

Delphi Technique And Hegelian Dialect Moves:

Warriors, Delphi Technique has been used on us many, many times by the CCSS Machine. You know, you go to a school related meeting, you’re placed in groups, given questions and asked to come up with solutions. Then, the results are shared with those asking for your input, yet very few of your solutions appear. What does? The preconceived solutions by the ‘system’.
This type of move gives you a false sense of involvement while the CCSS Machine retains control.

So, what’s the Hegelian Dialect? That’s another type of control method, only it’s done by controlling thoughts. From the Bitter Realities blog it’s described as a “framework for guiding our thoughts and actions into conflicts that lead us to a predetermined solution.”
The effect is, that, once inside that ‘predetermined solution’, you can’t see reality.

.For example, the title of the federal law known as ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) is a Hegelian Dialect move.
How? By using carefully placed wording it impressed on the nation a predetermined solution that all students would succeed. The Hegelian Dialect manipulates, as does ESSA. The Hegelian Dialect is a Communist tactic to drive economics.
Guess what? ESSA’s mandates for college/career readiness and workforce aligned education are also a Communist tactic to create worker drones, not educated citizens.

Put the 2 methods (Delphi and Hegelian) together and you’ve got quite a slick sales pitch. Look below at the example when the two are combined.

Seker’s Research (2015)
(*Note: this will take you to the page to download the Research paper) If you’d like to see my latest IEEE article, visit here.

From the “In Defense of Our Nation” blog, this description of how We the People are being Delphied and Hegelianized to the point of frenzy, “This is how the dialectical process works and it is present in nearly all social issues confronting America.  From global warming to health care, from gun control to wealth inequality we are being led to believe that we are overwhelmed with problems that only government can solve, and to solve them they need us to relinquish more of our God given liberty.”

Warriors, apply this all to education. Then, consider the elections. Those who’ve won, what types of words did they use in the campaign for education? What type of statements were given during the victory speeches?

From the ones I’ve read it’s more of the ESSA mandates in Hegelian terms.
For example, ‘more vocational classes’. Since ESSA embedded WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act) there’s already nothing BUT vocational education. They are called Career Tech Education (CTE), Career Clusters, Career Pathways, and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). Back in 2006, ‘vocational tech’ was re-branded to CTE..on purpose. That purpose? Common Core aligned workforce education. When ESSA was passed into law, Common Core was re-branded to ‘challenging State Academic Standards’/’college and career readiness’/post-secondary readiness’.

Bring On the Reductio Ad Absurdum!

Warriors, if you’ve not heard of ‘reductio ad absurdum’ it’s Latin for “Reduced to Absurdity”. Another psychological tactic to mess with our heads and our hearts. The CCSS Machine uses this one, too. So do educrats. How does reducing things to absurdity work? Look below:

(Source is here; emphasis added is mine)

What reduction to absurdity about education that’s been uttered by several victors in the 2018 elections have we all heard? “Expansion of school choice”. Warriors, ‘school choice’ as we know it has gone.

That’s due to ESSA’s mandate that ALL education be aligned to post-secondary readiness as laid out by the industry credentialed standards in WIOA.

When all education is the same, how can we realistically expand it? You can’t. The CCSS Machine (and DC) knows this.

You cannot improve on 100%.  The true absurdity is that these people in power will actually REDUCE choices in education. Why or how? Their States are being strung along by the top-down federal control to bow to the United Nations and the global shift in education. That shift? Workforce preparation, not academics.


This has ZERO to do with political parties and EVERYTHING to do with being controlled. So, since we all have to live together and work together, help fellow citizens out. Help those newly elected officials out. SHOW them how we’re all being manipulated to meet the CCSS Machine’s agenda in education.


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