Waving Choice Goodbye

Tech Thursdays

Anti Fed Ed Warriors, you’ve heard me tell you time and time again that ‘school choice’ is a fallacy. The culprit is the CCSS Machine.
The tools used to ruin ‘school choice’ are WIOA, ESSA, HEA, and other top-down federal laws. (WIOA is Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, 2014; ESSA is Every Student Succeeds Act, 2015; and, HEA is the Higher Education Act, 2008 and up for re-authorization very soon).

Warriors, the fact of the matter is ‘school choice’ is really more about “personal choice”.

However, ESSA killed that choice with it’s mandate that ALL education be aligned to the post-secondary readiness standards of WIOA.

So, in essence, at least in education; that simple line from the 1965 Dr. Zhivago movie (fiction) has become our reality:

                “All personal choice is dead.”


As we know, much of the CCSS Machine’s design uses education as the ‘change agent’ to alter our lives.
We know the control is meant for cradle to grave and encompasses where you’ll work. That’s why students of all ages are being pumped through the CCSS’s College and Career Readiness or the CCSS’s Career Tech Education or the (United Nation’s) UN’s STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math).
It’s to force our students (and eventually the rest of us) into a controlled nanny-state. (Also very present in the fictional account of Dr. Zhivago)

You may wonder why I included the UN in connection to the CCSS Machine. First, Berit Kjos and many others (myself included) have traced the Common Core State Standards back to the UN, so the UN is part of the Machine.
However, STEM is the UN’s special change agent to usher in the Agenda 2030. How?

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As part of the A2030 and SDGs, where we live and where we work will be determined for us, largely through education and what career track we’ve been trained for (or re-trained for).
This is pure confinement for us as Americans; not the free people we were Constitutionally guaranteed, Warriors.

Contrast it to any movie like Dr. Zhivago and you’ll get a fair idea of how awful this direction is for Americans.

Since ESSA mandated WIOA in PreK through 12 grades (as well as tie it to the HEA for colleges and trade schools), how is the government helping all this come to fruition?


What Are Waivers? How Do They Kill Choice?

If you’re not sure what a waiver is in the realm of federal education, it was supposed to be a tool given to States and school districts to offer flexibility in how federal funds could be used to offer ‘quality’ education.
Sounds great, right? Especially with the CCSS Machine hype and lies about States being able to get their right to control education BACK when ESSA was made into law.

ESSA, by embedding WIOA, embedded funds for workforce. Likewise the WIOA waivers will embed education, not for academics, but competency based education (CBE).
CBE is CCSS, too.

CBE is woven into ESSA, WIOA, and the HEA…on purpose. It’s the shift from reading, writing, and arithmetic to poorly skilled labor force.

Warriors, think back to those Race to the Top Education Waivers or the ESSA Flexibility Waivers? Have you really seen any improvement in education? Have you really seen any removal of federal control or a distinct freedom your district or State didn’t have before?

There’s been none, because the Waivers are a deceptive move for MORE federal control to implant MORE shifting of education away from what we’ve known to what the global workforce needs: laborers. Our U.S. Constitution puts it another way, ‘indentured servants’. (Which by the way was also prohibited later on in the Constitution!)


WIOA Waivers Kill Personal Choice, Too:


According to the U.S. Dept. of Labor, States were given a sense of freedom in how their Waivers were used, as long as they were used to improve job seeking systems for better employer ‘outcomes’.
Warriors, hang on before we go any further.

Let’s review a few flies in this ointment.
a) Since ESSA has embedded WIOA, the ‘job seeking’ is happening as young as 2nd grade in some States. The ‘job seeking’ is also found outside traditional public schools via dual enrollment, fast tracking career systems like apprenticeships, internships, early career or college schools, etc. ALL this impacts every ‘school choice’, including homeschools.
**It’s not so much the student seeking a job, as it is the job is seeking the student, before the student is capable!

b) As far as ’employer outcomes’, since WIOA, HEA, and, ESSA embedded P3s (public private partnerships) we’ve seen an insane increase in how much the corporate employer ‘needs’ have ruined academics. We’ve seen businesses with zero educational training usurp teachers for their purposes.
**States are allowing this to happen every day they receive ANY type of federal funding or P3 funding!

c) The WQDI (Workforce Quality Data Initiative) is ‘married’ to the SLDS (Student Longitudinal Data System) FOR one purpose: aligned education for workforce needs. Regardless of what school (even homeschoolers) are in this system already or become a part of the system as soon as they participate in any of ‘a’ (above).
**Being a free nation, this type of data tracking is not only illegal, it’s ‘data rape’!

Warriors, as far as the U.S. Dept. of Labor’s information, WIOA Waivers aren’t so much needed now, as they were codified when WIOA was passed into law (2014). However, much like the State Plans for ESSA which needed to be submitted to the Sec. of Education (DeVos), the State Plans for WIOA are still in use (2019). These Plans are called WIOA Unified or Combined State Plans and must be submitted to the Sec. of Labor.
**By submission of those Plans, States gave full access to the federal government as far as data.

These State Plans? We, the People, can access them on the U.S. Dept. of Education’s website! Look below at the way I found this out:

I thought by clicking a phrase on the U.S. Dept. of Labor’s website, I’d be taken to another Labor page:
This is where I was taken next:

Followed by this ‘surprise’:


According to the U.S. Dept. of Education’s page I found this on, almost every State has a plan which has been approved by the feds. No State’s able to make its own plan for its own people or by those taxpayers. It’s all been run through the globally led workforce needs based system of control. The only States without an approved WIOA State Plan are TN, MI, MA, NE, and VA. The only U.S. Territory without one is the Virgin Islands.

I urge you to look at your State Plan. If you have none, let’s use NC’s as an example of what you’ll find that kills personal choice in education.

a) The NC Plan is 399 pages long and is dated FY 2018. NC elected to go with a “Unified” Plan which means all the alignment will come from every possible agency, program, and, angle. Those most targeted? “Under-served populations” including youth.

b) Page 3 shows the 6 ‘cores’ of WIOA. These ‘cores’ cover all age groups and population types. You’ll also find ‘partner’ programs will hinge off these 6 ‘cores’.

c) Page 4 shows the partners. In education, CTE (Career Tech Ed) covers all ages/choices; federal-to-state funding streams for TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) and Community Block Grants are also intersecting with education; Veterans funding will also be involved.

d) Page 7 reveals the industry specific economic targets for the State. Somehow, this is going to bring prosperity to every North Carolinian citizen. How, those “Prosperity Zones (PZs)”
I’ve researched and shown you before. These Zones were legislatively created and embedded 2014 and 2015 (respectively). When I last wrote about the PZs it was 2018. You’ll see just how eerily deceptive these Zones are and how easily the globalization of a barely educated workforce lurks underneath.

e) Pages 11 and 12 will show you all kinds of figures on job growth per industry. Page 13 reveals that employers are ‘bullish’ on growing jobs. Warriors, we’ve seen their ‘bull’ long enough and how it’s ruining our children. On the pages which follow, you’ll see lots of CCSS Machine organizations and phrases used to create the false narrative that a) there’s a skills gap and b) the only way to fix it is via aligned education/training. For more on ‘a’ and ‘b’, go here.

f) Near Page 25, you’ll see the Governor of NC mentioned. His plan combines education directly with skills. Warriors, did you know that when WIOA was passed in 2014, the increase in power given to the office of governor greatly increased? Thereby weakening taxpayers voices yet again. Many of the programs Gov. Cooper is using were already laid out before him. That he’s extending and adding to them, let’s us know regardless of politics, the global workforce/kill personal choice is alive and well.

Lastly, every bit of what’s contained in the NC Plan and others will unite data to kill personal choice in what you learn, where you work, and lots more.

Look below and see how ‘far’ we’ve come. See much ‘personal choice’? I don’t.



Warriors, I hope you can see how little our personal freedoms mean to our federal government. I hope you can see how little choice you really have when it comes to ‘education’.

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