Tech Thursday: CCSS/CTE Low Down

Tech Thursdays

Sometimes even the most seasoned anti CCSS Warrior needs a refreshment in purpose. I know, I do. Lately, however, I’ve been meeting more and more new folks, who are stepping up to the fight and willing to become anti CCSS Warriors. Today’s “Tech Thursday” will be ‘low-tech’. I’m harkening back to some basics in our ‘War Against the Core’.

Protecting each other well during a battle is vital for success.
Protecting each other well during a battle is vital for success.

The thoughts of new Warriors needing information and veterans needing refreshing  is thrilling AND challenging. Why? Thrilling because the message about the toxicity of the agenda, initiative behind the CCSS Machine is waking up more and more citizens. Challenging because there SO much information out there, they are quickly overwhelmed.

Anti CCSS Warriors, veteran or new, we don’t have much time.

The swiftness of this War Against the Core is moving quickly. Even now, Congress is set to re-authorize the ESEA (Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965) via a combination of the two versions of bills passed by each Chamber earlier this year (the House’s version is HR5, “Student Success Act”; the Senate’s is S1177, “Every Child Achieves Act”. The combination bill is set to be well over 2, 000 pages. It is full of MORE CCSS (Common Core State Standards), CTE (Career Tech Education), CP (Career Pathways), CCR (College and Career Readiness), STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and, Math), NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards), C3 (the new CCSS aligning Civics), and countless other measures which lock in national assessments, teacher and educational staff alignment, and ESA (Education Savings Accounts or ‘portability’ {this is where the money follows the child throughout their educational lives}. The combined bill will lock in social and emotional mental health for ALL students. It will lock in 21st Century Community Learning Centers (where our schools will be transformed into ‘one stop’ locations for education, health care, job searches, and more). We’ll see MORE data mining, high stakes assessments for educational staff and students. To hear that a legislator or leader is against Common Core (assumed to be only K-12), they must also be against the post-secondary versions, the birth to PreK versions, the versions which impact those outside public education.

We must also be watching for any re-authorization of the HEA (Higher Education Act of 1965). This re-authorization is set to CONTINUE all of the above into our post-secondary educational institutions (where it already is).

We must focus, we  must be purposed. Me must be diligent, vigilant, and vocal.

We must remain united. If we are against the CCSS Machine and all it encompasses, that is all it takes.
Our evidence must be factual and credible. For those who are new to this War, it can be confusing whom or what to trust. My researched advice? Follow the evidence where it leads. Don’t rely on a name alone. I’ve been horribly surprised in finding out who is really fighting AGAINST the agenda behind the CCSS Machine and who is really casting shadows.
This should include those in your local areas as well as those on a national level.
If our evidence uncovers someone who appears to be against one part of the Core and supports it in another way, we should hold them accountable as to WHY. ANY part of the agenda or the initiative to change not only our education system, but also change our country is UNACCEPTABLE.
If what we’ve found to be credible, factual exposes P3s(public private partnerships), legislators, etc. so be it. Common Core has many parts in its “Machine”. We know with responsibility to be truthful, that means we may face hard times. So be it. When we answered this battle cry to save our students, teachers, schools. WE MEANT IT. 

We also must take the time to attend as many ‘Warrior meetings’ as possible. By this I mean, in person, virtual, or on the phone. We must stay connected. No warrior in any battle will survive alone. We must take care to remember, what we fight against is a ‘initiative’, not people. It’s easy to attack people. That lessens our effectiveness in this War Against the Core. However, if we attack the initiative, that, my fellow Warriors, is much more impacting.  We have proven how effective and impacting we can be against the CCSS Machine. If not, why else would the Machine be churning out MORE rhetoric?! The Machine may be well funded and huge, (think Goliath), but those of us choosing to be anti CCSS Warriors know just where to cast the truth (think David and his 5 smooth stones and 1 slingshot). Truth hurts, however, truth WINS!

If you are a new anti CCSS Warrior, I invite you to contact me at your convenience. If I can not fully answer what is it you are questioning or seeking, I have no hesitation in pointing you to the correct person or fact based evidence. My research of all things connected to national standards began in 2009. The blog has over 300 articles full of embedded documents, links, media resources. I do not ask you to take my word alone about ANY of the CCSS Machine’s activities, I give you the information so you can USE it as a WEAPON. I don’t TELL you WHAT to THINK, I POINT you in the DIRECTIONS best suited for this War.

If you are a seasoned anti CCSS Warrior and need help, i am at your service. I thank each of you who have found my research trustworthy and who seek me out for what actions would be best in certain situations you’ve faced during your journeys.


Be focused in your actions against the CCSS Machine.
Be focused in your actions against the CCSS Machine.

If you only seek to do one thing to strike a blow against the CCSS Machine today, it is this:
Call your Representatives or Senators in D.C. at 202-224-3121 and tell them to vote AGAINST the re-authorization of the ESEA in ANY form. 

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