ESSA in a Nutshell

From the Files Tuesday


Anti CCSS Warriors, the ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) is meant to be tough. It is meant to embed educational reform as we have never before seen. It was meant to be SO tough, no one would ever truly know the rotten insides lurking underneath the ink.
It is full of CCSS, CCR, CTE(Common Core State Standards/College Career Readiness/Career Tech Education), and a host of other programs, initiatives, and WASPs (Wrap Around Service Programs) which will conduct anything and everything in the name of student outcomes, student achievement, and/or student competency.

BUT like every tough nut, the ESSA is NOT impossible to pry open to reveal the rottenness inside of it! In today’s article, I will do my best to expose the rottenness in one ‘crunch’!
The following lists are from the ESSA Final Conference Report. They will also be in the ‘Final Law Version’, but the page numbers will be different.


Data (and all that goes with it), Technology, and the In Home Assessments:
Page 123; 138; Page 255; Page 363; Page 450/451; Page 463/464; Pages 485-488; Page 508; Page 630; and Pages 943/ 944. (A complete explanation as to why these are so rotten: )
In a crunch: almost $900 million for more technology to data track, data mine, and sell to almost anyone connected in or outside of education. All in the name of ‘student success’. Assessments will be part of this rotten portion. (Section 9210 is where you need to crack open the in home assessing.)

Teachers,  School Leaders, Non-Profits, For-Profits Inside and Outside the Classrooms:
Pages 300/301; Page 302; Pages 323, 324; Page 344; Pages 347-349; 351-357; Page 406; and Section 9210 (yes, as in the Data paragraph above). In one ‘crunch’, see my “School Board Special Part 3”, for not only more revealed rottenness for teachers and leaders, but you will see more about intrusive data mining, as well as whole community alignment all in the name of ‘challenging state academic standards’ for student competency based education.

Timeline the States Will Have to Adhere to:
In a crunch, just keep July 1, 2016 circled on your calendars and share with your legislators this date. There will be others, but this one will hit the States bank accounts rapidly.
See the ESSA timeline of the MOST important dates (there are others that we will discover as the school year 2017-18 approaches. To fund this straight path to alignment rottenness, the FY 2017 Federal Education Budget Requests.
Big Bucks for ESSA (*Note: be sure to follow the 2017 Budget’s rottenness is the related articles.)

Workforce/Career Tech/Career Pathways/Career Clusters/STEM/Apprenticeships:
This is a huge part of the rottenness in the ESSA! The passage of the ESSA embedded workforce based education in a multitude of page numbers, programs (existing or about to be introduced). The supposed lack of business trained workers is what we are told the career paths are for and why they are needed in education ON THE SURFACE, but underneath? The rottenness: more data mining, tracking, and aligning students (0f all ages) for the sake of Mr. and Mrs. Businesses. ESSA directly ties to WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014).
In a crunch know that the WIOA and HEA (Higher Education Act) are mentioned in the ESSA over 160 times!  To see the rest of the rottenness surrounding this ESSA/WIOA marriage:

The WASPs (Wrap Around Service Programs):
Unlike the nuts we’ve crunched so far, the WASPs won’t be inside the nuts, they will, however, be close by the nuts. This will be another huge part of the ESSA rottenness.
Look for Promise Neighborhoods, 21st Century Community Learning Centers, SEL (social emotional learning) interventions, and much more. Page numbers and all the stinging news will be seen:
and here:

Is There More Rottenness?
Absolutely, we could break the above categories down into smaller ones to reveal even more rottenness disguised as good legislation for education. However, we know if we are to share this with legislators, we must, out of respect for their busy schedules, keep the information concise. In my researched findings, this is about as concise as I can make the over 1, 059 pages. ( ESSA FINAL CONFRPT_112915 ) or its shorter Final Law version ( Finalessa.391pages ) Why do I continually refer to the larger document? It is easier to read, therefore easier to sift through.

Not a Nut, but a Cog:
I have kept the nut theme going for a reason. Nuts all look the same on the outside, of course depending on their variety. You usually can only tell when the meat inside is rotten once it is cracked open, crunched in an inertia device, etc. However, you know I have long referred to all the activities in the education reform we are witnessing, as part of the CCSS Machine. Below, I leave you with my ESSA, CCSS-Machine-like screen shot. You certainly may share this with your busy legislators, but please be sure to make it as relevant to your state as possible. I have one specifically for NC, that I will be sharing with the NC General Assembly. If you live in NC and would like that graphic, please contact me.

Tell ’em it’s from the Common Core Diva when you share this!!

13 thoughts on “ESSA in a Nutshell

  1. The more concise, the better for everyone. In this sea of information that one must absorb to wrap their head around the depths of what we’re facing, I find that most people will not take it on unless the information is in a manageable form; something they can hold. Digest. Comprehend. It just gets more overwhelming every day. There are those who are just trying to jump on the information bandwagon and some that are driving the bandwagon. Each group can handle information differently.

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