Spin Cycle, Anyone?!

Weekend News

Would any of you Anti CCSS/Fed Ed Warriors care to guess how the Center for Education Reform (CER) is spinning the 2016 Election results?!

If you don’t know the CER, here is my published article about them from earlier this year:
https://www.commoncorediva.com/2016/06/21/shrills-call/ (*Note: you’ll learn how the CER is ‘buddy-buddy’ the BRT (Business Roundtable); how their I+O (Innovation plus Opportunity) Manifesto is reshaping education; and more.)

Because we know BRT has long ago sold out to the CCSS Machine, it isn’t hard to imagine CER has also jumped in the Machine as well.

Read, watch, or listen to either of these two organization’s propaganda long enough and you’ll see the spinning is always geared to CTE (Career Tech Education), CC (Common Core), STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math), and most recently..CCR (College/Career Readiness). Yes, the ‘brain bleach’ is served up daily!

Bring On the “Soap Sales Pitch”!

On 11/9/16, the CER CEO, Jeanne Allen offered her congratulations to President-elect Trump. Like a great soap saleswoman, Allen laid the innovation and opportunity agenda thickly. Here is most of what she stated, ” “Our hope is that in the coming days President-elect Trump and his transition advisors will consider all good ideas and begin to learn from the myriad people working throughout the nation who are transforming their schools and communities.
President-elect Trump – We believe there is much you can do to address the hopes and dreams of all who elected you. We hope you will embrace innovation, applaud and incentivize ambitious state efforts to create opportunity for all learners at all levels, reject the status quo and think hard about all those you appoint to support you and the needs of citizens everywhere. We will provide concrete recommendations for you to consider in the days and weeks ahead. Until then, congratulations. And welcome to Washington.” ”

Warriors, do you see the problems?
1) IF Trump is to reject ‘status-quo’ education, it would mean his promise to pull the plug on Common Core would be the way to go, NOT have the CER and similar groups already knee deep in a bucket of CCSS/CTE ‘polluted water’, influence him. However, we saw this very scene play out when Obama took office…those who advised him steered him right into the CCSS Machine.

2) By encouraging Mr. Trump to CONTINUE to incentivize States is a replay of the Obama/Duncan RttT funding! How in the name of ‘clean laundry’ will we EVER be free from the CCSS Machine with advice like this?!

3) “All learners at all levels”..what an overloaded lint trap of danger that statement is!!
Warriors, repeatedly, I (along with other anti CCSS Warriors) have proven to you that between the toxic trio of ESSA, HEA, and WIOA (Every Student Succeeds Act/Higher Education Act/Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act), the workforce based education reform spans from babies to grandparents! I have to pause here for a moment to interject that I think someone has gotten a bit too close to the electrical outlet.


CER’s Look At Governors:

Because the CCSS Machine has done a spiffy good job of top-down-micromanaging our education system, CER would be remiss if it didn’t ‘check the pockets’ of  each of the 12 Governors seeking office. That stated, CER keeps all 50 Governors on a tight laundry schedule. (See the Governors’ grades at CER’s “Education 50” webpage:

Of the 12 Governors, only NC’s (where I live) is too close to call, as of this article.

Wait! Senators Ahead!

As far as how ‘fresh’ the Senate will be in the coming D.C. Session of lawmaking, see below.

cersenateWarriors, I do not know about you, but I’m seeing quite a bit of ‘dirty CCSS/CTE laundry’ in this screen shot. If you know of just how sold out to the CCSS Machine any of these people are, please be sure to share your information.

It is only then that we, the Anti CCSS Warriors, can ‘clean their clocks’!!

For ‘my’ Senator (Burr) here’s what I know about his ties to CCSS and/or CTE,
(use this as an example of how you can tie your leaders to the CCSS AND CTE overreaches)

a) Much of his work to re-arrange Title One funding formulas made it into ESSA.

b) He voted Yes to ESSA (S1177) on Dec. 9th, 2015; the very next day, Pres. Obama signed the Bill as federal law.(from his website: http://www.burr.senate.gov/press/releases/24-million-per-year-for-nc-schools-common-core-repeal-heads-to-presidents-desk)
from the Congress Vote Tracking site: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/114-2015/s334

c) He supported NCLB, too (Source: http://www.ontheissues.org/Senate/Richard_Burr.htm
Note: first bullet point on his education views.)

d) He has voted against some CCSS Machine related items, but still supports many other items. Source: http://www.ontheissues.org/Social/Richard_Burr_Education.htm

e) He has worked hand-in-hand with Sen. Mikulski on getting Child Care and Development Block Grants(CCDBGs) updated. While the main federal agency this is housed under HHS (Health and Human Services), it also has SOME shared programs with the U.S. Dept. of Ed. I found the CCDBGs in the U.S. Dept. of Ed’s Office of Non-Public Education. (See: http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/oii/nonpublic/childcare.html) With ESSA encompassing early education and in-home visits/assessments, this is a big deal.

f) Lastly, Burr is a member of the U.S. Senate HELP (Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions) Committee. Look below to see how many of the Committee members were just re-elected and given a ‘shout out’ by the CER (Center for Education Reform):

Pre-treat Those “Education Stains”:

If you are not sure why the S3271 and HR5587 are more ‘dirty laundry’ created by the CCSS Machine, please use this side by side comparison chart I created a few months ago. You’ll note that there are also 2 other Congressional Bills I included. Please, look closely, you’ll see why. (*Note: S3190 is Sen. Franken’s ‘load’; S3174 is a huge warning to us all we need to move quickly to halt this activity!)



If you’d like to see the CCSS Machine sold out group, The First Five Years Fund and what they have to say about those Child Care Development Grants:
 http://ffyf.org/our-focus/child-care-development-block-grant/ (*Note: be sure to look to the left to see their white paper on the ESSA’s Preschool Development Grants. Both will be used together for education to fit the CCR (college/career readiness).

Getting Hung Out to Dry:

The CER also shared in their 2016 Elections Results that 2 State School Superintendents lost their re-elections. One, was Dr. June Atkinson from here in NC. While we, the local anti CCSS Warriors are thrilled she will be leaving, the rest of the nation needs to watch her. Why? She is the President of the CCSSO (Council of Chief State School Officers). CCSSO not only owns 1/2 of the copyrights to the CCS Standards, they have produced mounds of alignment materials to CCSS, CTE, and now ESSA. If you want to see the CCSSO’s CCR (College/Career Readiness webpage) and how this ties to CTE,
(*Note: if you are curious if CCSSO has anything to do with the HEA, Higher Education Act, be sure to do a general search on their website.)


Warriors Against the Core, we have got to get D.C. out of education NOW. Having these career politicians (and yes, some new comers who’ve sold out), we are going to keep seeing our country digress. It’s kind of like having someone throw a red sock in a load of white socks. They all come out the same shade of ruined laundry.


5 thoughts on “Spin Cycle, Anyone?!

  1. We really need to press the Transition Team to select the right people or we will lose our opportunity to end Common Core and FED ED. This is a letter I wrote to support Sandra Stotsky though she says she will not take a “job” with the government. I’d like to know who you support:

    This is a time for celebration, but we must also take action! Our job has just begun. Now we have an opportunity to put our long fought for ideas into reality with the selection of the transition team for incoming President Trump. This is critical and your help is needed.

    On the issue of Common Core which many feel is existential, we must act on the words of Donald Trump, that we must restore local control and end federal involvement in education. Our recent letter including the map showing 18-25 year olds voting overwhelmingly for Socialism and the Left, shows the impact of ideologies promoted in our K-12 and higher education institutions (add state graph). Common Core’s crazy math and upside down history has taken a huge toll on our youth and must be ended.

    Please take a moment to help promote a real champion of the cause, Dr. Sandra Stotsky. She was part of the validation committee for the Common Core State Standards, and immediately rejected them. Her national campaign to reveal the truth about Common Core has spanned the country. No one is better equipped to develop and manage the dismemberment of Common Core and restoration of factual and effective education so needed for the survival of our nation.

    Dr. Stotsky is famous for leading Massachusetts to becoming number ONE in the nation with the development of the best English standards. She led the Department of Education there and has shared her template for these standards freely with all who wish to improve. Her unequivocal opposition to Common Core will be essential to ending the unbalanced influence of globalists and education vendors who promote Common Core for their benefit.

    This is a link to her resume with links to her publications: http://www.uaedreform.org/sandra-stotsky/

    Please send the letter to the transition team. You are encouraged to add your own thoughts or modify this letter as you see fit.



    Chris Quackenbush


    Stop Common Core Florida



    Description: SHARE if you agree with Uncle Milty!

    1. Thanks, Chris. I agree we MUST end CCSS, all that goes with it (including CTE). We MUST end ALL federally led education overreaches. U.S. Dept. of Ed is only ONE. While ending Ed has been attempted before, we may have a great opportunity before us to do it now. However, we also need to repeal the education portions of WIOA (U.S. Dept. of Labor), the school leaders being used as health care doctors (U.S. Health and Human Services). We must wipe out the data mining the U.S. State Dept and U.S. Dept of Defense access. Nine federal departments are part of the CCSS Machine, not just one. I’m sure you know this.

      As far as who I would support as the head of the U.S. Dept. of Ed, should it continue: Dr. Peg Luksik or Dr. Duke Pesta are my top choices. They are truly anti ‘status quo’ for education.

      Let’s continue to work together to STOP Common Core. Thank you for all you do, too. You are a great Warrior.

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