Alignment’s in Fashion

Monday Musings

Author’s Note: Much of the information included in this article has been provided by other Warriors for me to pull together. It is my goal to convey the TRUTH. No matter how popular or unpopular that truth is. To those who’ve shared their information and concerns, I thank you sincerely.

Warriors, have you heard of Koret before? Koret, as in Koret of California Sportswear Fashions, or as in Koret Foundation, or as in Koret Task Force for Education housed at Hoover Instititute?

Well, you’re about to.

Koret’s Task Force for Education has been partners with the Hoover Institute for a while now. As we know, Hoover Institute is a well known organization in and of itself. But what do each of these Foundations do separately, and, more importantly, together?!

First Stitch:

Koret Foundation (website: Since 1979 this Foundation has done tremendous things to help its local community, and its fatih-based community as well.

With such a rich heritage, it is a shame the Foundation has seen fit to help fund KIPP Schools. KIPP Schools, as you know, Warriors, are public private charter schools across America. They are also a part of the CCSS Machine. I found their KIPP donations in this “Community Report”.


Second Stitch, Joining Hoover Institute:

Koret joined education forces with Hoover back in 1999. The Hoover Institute’s been around since the late 1950s and is tied to the former President of the U.S., Herbert Hoover.
From its Mission Statement, you’ll see the Institute is in full support of the U.S. Constitution, improve our quality of life as Americans, and limit government. See:

Here’s an excerpt from Koret Foundation President Taub, “Our 1999 partnership with Hoover envisioned a new model for academic engagement with current policy issues. By bringing together leading education scholars from around the country, we created a venue with Hoover in which these experts could converse, argue, and, most of all, learn from each other as they tackled the complex issues facing K–12 education. Over the past eight years, the Koret Task Force on K–12 Education has produced highly acclaimed, award-winning, influential work that has changed the landscape of the K–12 education arena.” (*Note: to access the 2008 Task Force Model Report where I found this quote, )

So, basically you have Hoover Inst. as the older entity, joined 20 years later by another Foundation (Koret). You can see one Foundation gives to KIPP, but is Hoover somehow stitched into the fabric of education reform as well?

Back in 2012, see what Hoover/Koret thought were ‘hits’ and ‘misses’ in education:

Please, click on the picture to enlarge it and ask yourself, how can we accept anyone in education leadership who says one part of the illegally based reform is ‘fashionable’ (a ‘hit’), and the other part is a ‘disaster’ (a ‘miss’)?

If you are questioning the loyalty of either of these big name ‘education/policy designers’ to true American ideals, look at the Timeline of activity in the name of education reform.


Among the Task Force’s ‘ideal education’ design’? School choice, accountability, and transparency. While those in and of themselves CAN be a great thing, between NCLB, RttT, and ESSA, these concepts have brought about MORE strings, LESS Choice, and are REMOVING freedoms faster than a stain remover. Notice who is among the Task Force members, too. Again, any one you see here raises the question of ‘Should we trust them in leadership?’
Access the entire Timeline: k-12-education-tf-timeline

There is a 2012 Hoover/Koret Report“Choice and Federalism”. It does bring up the fact we need LESS top-down micromanaging in education, BUT the ways in which we are to achieve this is vouchers, charters, and some federal activity. In other words, the same old worn out design we’ve heard from the CCSS Machine before!! See:

Some Designers:

Secretary of Ed Candidates:
Mr. Evers’ past on an CA Education Committee has more than one anti CCSS Warrior concerned:
The sources: CA Governor’s Press Release:
CA Academic Committee Inventory: (*Note: What you see above is from Page 3)

Michelle Rhee, raised several red flags for more than one anti CCSS Warrior as well. I was flooded with information on her.
Her 2012 10-99 Tax Form reveals her reform in education design, see: students-first-irs-990-2012
The 2010 10-99 Tax Form ties Rhee to David Coleman, Susan Pimental, and Jason Zimba.
See: students-first-2010-990

If you missed the Breibart News article about Rhee

From 2010, a Public School News media source detailing Rhee’s abuse of students in the classroom:

Rep. Luke Messer, from IN, this ‘school choice advocate’ is on my radar as one of the members of the U.S. House’s Education and Workforce Committee. Ed/Workforce is hell-bent on using Paul Ryan’s ‘Better Way’ campaign as an avenue to increase the CCSS Machine’s Career Tech Education (aka: Adult Common Core). As a former “School Choice Indiana President”, we should all be concerned. School Choice is backed by Jeb Bush. See:
See the announcement for Messer’s opportunity as Secretary:

Charter Schools, Another ‘Education Fashion’ Disaster:

One anti CCSS Warrior has put together a great ‘charter school and the dangers of them’ resource. See:

I was also given this link out of CA about the ‘competition’ charters are supposed to breed, but I couldn’t access the entire article. See:

Here’s a visual I was sent, be sure to really look closely.


As far as some of the big funders for charter schools, another visual sent to me:


Global Problem: My Government’s Education ‘Straitjacket’ Doesn’t Work!

Since the U.S. is a member of the United Nations and we are constantly being compared education wise with other countries, here’s an eye opening article from Poland. Teachers there are seeing the workforce education is a straitjacket for everyone, and they are protesting! Why are we NOT?!

Lastly, A Word of Warning From Charlotte Iserbyt:

Written before the 2016 November Elections, our fearless anti CCSS/Fed Ed Warrior, Charlotte Iserbyt had strong words for all of us to learn from.
1) “Check carefully track record of your education policy advisors.”
2)  “To make available to all candidates for President of the United States of America information not only regarding the role of the U.S. Dept. of Education in the destruction of American academic education, but also to warn them not to surround  themselves with advisors whose agenda may not have anything to do with traditional education designed to create upward mobility for the children of our nation (our children!)”

However, it’s Mrs. Iserbyt’s truthful words of warning about WHY the U.S. Dept. of Education will not be shut down anytime soon, we must pay attention to!

Warriors, you HAVE to have this article! See:


Contact the Transition Team as soon as possible and share with them HOW toxic the fabric of their education designs are! Trump wants school choice, vouchers in the form of education savings accounts, he says ‘no’ to CCSS, but is wanting to have an educated workforce..which is impossible when the workforce education IS Common Core!!

Transition Team on Twitter:
President-elect on Twitter:

President-elect via email:
The future First Lady embraces Universal Preschool (share my most recent article about what is currently going on in early education. See:, contact her: Twitter: @MelaniaTrump

Send information and ideas to the website for the Trump Team:


5 thoughts on “Alignment’s in Fashion

  1. It is very obvious that Mr. Trump is being surrounded by all the wrong people when it comes to education and his family has no clue about ESSA and what has been happening in the real world of education. They have social justice stars in their eyes. They need to sit down with the education realists. Those of us that have nothing to gain financially, personally or professionally by promoting the privatization of education, elimination of elected school boards, the destruction of private and home school and replacing traditional well trained certified teachers with facilitators while the computer does the educating and the testing is everyday all day. The nominee for the next Secretary of Education is the most important nomination Mr. Trump will make and I have a feeling American children will get the short end of the stick again. The money to be had in education is over $500 BILLION in the US alone. And the greedy schemesters want that money. They do not care about our children nor do they care about education. As always follow the money to the truth.

  2. you are the best, thanks for this. KIPP opened a school in our community this school year and did some shady business. We are watching them, will share as i learn.

  3. Thanks for being so tenacious on this. Don’t you believe that contacting the Transition Team to request they sit down with those battling CC that would not benefit financially in any way, would be a good idea?

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