The Con Jobs Live On?

Monday Musings

To all my Anti-Fed Ed Warriors, I hope you saw the news a few days ago that the U.S. Secretary of Ed and the U.S. Secretary of Labor held a joint press conference about skill-based education. While each of the leaders I mention were either elected, or put into office at the hands of those elected, I am not stating for a fact they are ‘con artists’. I am pointing to their ‘con artist-like’ actions.

As we know, Warriors, actions (in education) ‘speak’ a lot louder than the (CCSS Machine) propaganda these DC leaders speak.

A Host of Con Artist Actions:

If you missed the glamour and glitz of the duo dead set on helping uphold the D.C. top-down alignment of our education system to a workforce breeding ground, you missed DeVos’s priceless statement that not only is higher education in need of skill-based reform, but our K-12th education is, too.

Look at the featured screen shot (above), notice the President’s full support of this press conference.
Then, look below for another President Trump workforce education supportive tweet:


Of course, a few days before the DeVos/Acosta ‘side show’ and the DeVos/Acosta/Trump photo opportunity (seen above), was the Pence/DeVos meeting (it was closed to the Press) about workforce based education, too.
Watch the DeVos/Acosta/Trumps video:

Below is Vice President Pence’s proud tweet from August 7th about his meeting with DeVos:


Warriors, if this were the first time we’d seen Pence tout workforce aligned education, we might be shocked, but it’s far from his first time. If we’d seen DeVos’s opposition to aligning education to the economic needs, we might be cheering, but that’s not the case at all. As far as our President, he’s not listened to the Moms, Dads, grandparents, teachers, and, taxpayers when we’ve shared how toxic the overreach of labor into education has proven. No, he’s used every opportunity to listen to the G20, the UN, and other connecting organizations about workforce based education. If you missed the President’s June 2017 Press Release about leading the workforce development (aka: workforce education) shift, access that here.

Likewise, Warriors, if this were the first D.C. level administration hell-bent on extending the globally led shift in education which divorces itself from academics to skill-based jobs, we could raise the roof with outrage. But, this ISN’T the first administraion to do so. When Obama/Biden were at the helm of America, we saw Common Core become law. We saw it’s ‘cousin’, Career Tech Ed (which, by the way still exists in the Every Student Succeeds Act, Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, STEM Act, Higher Education Act, and every law connected to each of these), become the ‘special project’ assigned to Vice President Biden. Which, he carried out with glee..and some key labor unions. 

In fact, Warriors, my fellow blogger, researcher, and anti Fed Ed Warrior, Dr. Young, has given us an article showing how far back the D.C. administrations date to force a shift in education.

Warriors, if you do not see the direct connection from Workforce Development to education, please find that research here. You can find the U.S. Dept. of Education’s document where the WIOA related education shift items are laid out via State Plans to help you make the connections. This document pre-dates the ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) passage into law, but ESSA’s language embeds every bit of the shift.
Below, is a screen shot I created for visual impact to stress the true goal of ESSA.


Warriors, think about this, if we, the People, conducted every day business in these  con artist-like ways, we’d be charged with crimes and thrown in jail. Yet, these leaders walk and operate freely…all on our taxpayer dimes.

Stopping the Con Artist Actions:

Warriors, is it REALLY possible to halt these D.C. Con leaders and the related CCSS Machine?! Yes, I believe it is. How? Existing laws which ARE Constitutionally binding. If you missed my fellow writer and anti Fed Ed Warrior, Alex Newman’s article last week, you may not know about the anti ESSA national campaign where just this type of action is being planned! If you read Alex’s article, you’ll see that I was honored to be quoted in it.

To visit the “Child Abuse in the Classroom” website, Alex wrote about:

Warriors, we know our War Vs the Core is hardly about promoting ourselves. Oh no, far from it. Our War is about 1) protecting our students/children, 2) preserving freedom, 3) halting Un-American agendas in education, 4) honoring our Constitution where we’re clearly told the federal government has NO place in education, and 5) giving teachers the opportunity to conduct their profession without corporate driven undermining.

This War is NOT about us: it’s about our Nation, it’s about our future as a free people. It’s about doing what’s right. Something, it appears, our con artist leadership has cast aside.

Join me; join the others who are seeking justice in its true sense for our education system.

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