
Monday Musings Weekend News

Anti Fed Ed Warriors, in the last few days of July, I wrote and published a researched article centered on the former HR 2353, now Public Law 115-224, the “Strengthening CTE (Career Tech Education) for the 21st Century Act”. Warriors, the Bill became law when President Trump signed it on July 31, 2018. He was surrounding by lots of CTE ‘champion cheerleaders’.

Interestingly enough, the PA Representative’s (Rep. Thompson, who was the chief sponsor of HR 2353) Press Release stated that this Bill (now Law) overhauls the former Perkins CTE Act of 2006. Speaking of THAT Act, I showed you back in 2014, how the Perkins Act re-branded ‘vocational technical’ to “Career and Technical”.

So, once again, the CCSS Machine has been playing agenda word games with the citizens ever since then. Trouble is, most Americans are still remember education is as it used to be and not fully grasping the toxic changes being sneaked in under some familiar phrasing. Still more troubling is that there is almost zero ‘education’ happening in CTE (Career Tech Ed). It’s roughly 98% workforce training.

voctegrave(Clipart by ClipArt Library, image is by @commoncorediva)

Warriors, links to my latest video about the new CTE (Career Tech Education) Law (formerly HR 2353, now Public Law 115-224). In the video, you’ll learn how the 2017 Executive Order 13801 plays into the Public Law 115-224 as well as connects directly to the new Executive Order 13845, signed July 19, 2018. (*Note, in the opening moments of my latest video, I mistaken identified HR 2353 as a resolution, it was a Bill.)

As I stated in the video, I’m providing much more information in this article.

Previous research into just what PL 115-224  (HR 2353) is going to set up for us across America:
1) From earlier this year, States are to take the CTE Pledge. After all, WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act), STEM Act (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math), HEA (Higher Education Act), and ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) all have!
2) From 2017. How HR 2353 would ‘level’ all education into the same thing. As we know, that was ESSA’s  goal all along.

3) To give you an idea of how eerily close the National Workforce Council created by EO 13845 is to the one laid out in the LADDER Act (as well as how ANY national council will data rape the citizens), read this article of mine.

alledformer(Clipart by ClipArt Library, image is by @commoncorediva)

Warriors, you’ll also definitely want to look at the May 2018 Executive Order 13801’s Final Task Force Report. In it you’ll see that the 3Rs have been sacrificed for the global economy rhetoric. How will this economic portion play out in schools? Career Technical tracks and ‘post-secondary readiness’, as laid out by ESSA.

formerusa(Clipart by ClipArt Library, image is by @commoncorediva)

Task Force Report Notes Previously Not Shared:
1) The entire Report is 51 pages long. Within these pages, the over all policy agenda is 4-fold: Educate, Expand, Control, and Attract (you’ll find this in the U.S. Dept. of Commerce’s Secretary Ross’s introductory letter.)

2) The Task Force created by EO 13801 (Expanding Apprenticeships) was broken into 4 sub-groups. 1) Education and Credentials; 2) Attracting Businesses to Education; 3) Expanding Access, Equity, and Career Awareness; and, 4) Administrating Regulatory Strategies.

3) From the U.S. Dept. of Labor’s Secretary Acosta’s opening letter, his goal was filling ‘insufficient’ skill gap apprenticeships*. The 26 steps the Task Force created will unfold over the next 5 years. *As ‘reported’ by public service, education, trade associations, labor unions, and companies.

4) From the U.S. Dept. of Education’s Secretary DeVos’s opening letter, her input was centered on President Trump’s expansion of apprenticeships. She claims it’s a NATIONAL priority as well as a NATIONAL education one. Her comments target ‘active learners’. She goes on to say the actions will speed up unity between education and jobs. How will this happen? Using more ‘flexible’ industry created learning models. This will, in turn, breed qualified workforce for the 21st Century. This type of qualified workforce will be key for the 21st economy, security, and, prosperity. This learning model will engage learners and be cost-effective for employers. Workforce based learning will a great way to learn, work, and earn. (*Note, underlined below will be the evidence we need showing the continued federal overreach ‘commitment’.)

5) From the U.S. Dept. of Commerce’s Secretary Ross’s letter. These 26 steps will update an 80 year old American system. He goes on to stress that the historic gains the President has made will be a carrot to fill high-skilled jobs. Sec. Ross mentions Rep. Foxx’s misinformation about the unfilled 6 million jobs in America. (*Note: be sure to scroll down to the comments section of the embedded article directly above.)

6) From the Report’s Executive Summary, the tone suggests that the entire woe of America is higher education, as in, colleges and universities! “When implemented correctly, apprenticeships will provide a career path!” (See Page 10)

7) From the 1st sub-group: Expand industry recognized apprenticeship programs, especially the ‘learn-to-earn’ ones; include CBE (competency based education) assessments; P3s (public private partnerships) clarify national portable credentials (national ID card for working); federal government identifies available resources to carry these activities out (industry sector led financing).

8) From the 2nd sub-group: use and streamline various funding streams in simple ways for attracting businesses to education (State incentives); study skill gap shortages (data rape/manipulation); U.S. Dept. of Labor centralizes all data between all participants.

9) From the 3rd sub-group: Federal government funds an all out advertising blitz (propaganda) to raise awareness for workforce based apprenticeships/aligned education; incentives by federal government to businesses for more ‘learn-to-earn’ programs; U.S. Dept. of Labor leads funding campaigns to create more community based efforts for aligned apprenticeships; improve the existing data base for the Registered Apprenticeship System.

10) From the 4th sub-group: Begin with pilot project for expanding CTE apprenticeships via a selected industry from the existing Registered Apprenticeship System. In that selected pilot: focus on mastery based learning and competency; cannot include the construction industry per the Davis-Bacon Act; base apprenticeship paychecks on a scale system to reflect competency; reform the existing Registered Apprenticeship System.

11) From the Introduction to the Report: Task Force actions began July 2017. Other meetings were held August 2017, November 2017, February 2018, March, April, and May 2018; the 4 sub-groups ‘cross pollinated’ their 26 steps to expanding CTE apprenticeships.

12) Also from the Introduction: Higher education (college) is letting Americans down; apprenticeships have a proven track record for affordability and relevancy in America; the U.S. Dept. of Labor has 4 pillars for all programs (apprenticeships included): provide your needs, manages your direction, earn money while you learn, and, rewards you with credentials. Total typical process time these programs take: 1-6 years.

13) Introduction continues with:
a) old apprenticeships were focused on construction and manufacturing. New ones will focus on healthcare, IT, transportation,energy, and logistics.
b) old pattern (in place since the 1930s) is the base for now; the U.S. Dept of Labor and States partner to ‘upskill and reskill’ citizens. Updates will remove all barriers for disabled, elderly to be included; create stable families (especially for low-income ones); improve economics and social community situations (cites a WA State example on Page 15); apprenticeships praised by bipartisan elected leaders, current and previous White House Administrations, and State Governors.
c) Page 16 will show you the huge ‘put down’ aimed at America’s colleges and universities.
d) Page 16 also shows the blatant lie that “Apprenticeships can offer a key component to the solution to the skills gap.” (Based off a Harvard University Business School Study. The irony is that Harvard partnered with Pearson to help create the myth of the ‘skills gap’ and helped create the Career Pathways as a solution. Career Pathways are a embedded part of CTE!)
e) Warriors, to me, this is the BIGGEST clue to just how globally minded D.C. has become while sacrificing our nation on the altar of our freedoms. The Task Force actually has the audaciousness to bring in how much American apprenticeships should copy the German and Swiss apprenticeships! (*Note: the European Union’s targeted youth ages are 16-24 years of age. That’s 8 years.)
See middle paragraphs on Page 17 for Germany and Switzerland). Be sure to look at the associated footnotes and see the CCSS Machine member groups/resources cited.

14) From the Section “Implementation Challenges”:
a) there are several complex and inter-related ones. Setting a tone of ‘us vs them’, here are what are considered to be challenges for the government:
i) student interest and engagement in ‘worker supply’
ii) parents lack ‘career awareness’
iii) youth do not grasp ‘viable’ tracks for prosperous futures
iv) businesses need better ‘career profiles’
v) communication needs include apprenticeship ‘design signals’ for skills needed
vi) more early career counseling especially for ‘middle skills’ to elevate the dignity of workforce apprenticeships
vii) increase ‘stackable credentials’, increase transportation for participants; increase P3s especially for flexibility in alignment.


15) Warriors, of the 26 action steps (which I gave in my latest video), will begin on Page 21 of the Report. Six steps will involve education/credentialing; Four will expand access, equity and career awareness. Three steps will go toward attracting businesses. The largest group belongs to the administration and regulations for apprenticeships and their implementation (which will be no doubt carried by Executive Order 13845’s created National Workforce Council) at 13 steps.

16) The Conclusion of the Report begins on Page 39. The most important information from this section is that businesses, labor unions, non-profits, trade and industry groups, education, and public officials are pleased to answer President Trump’s call to increase this type of programming in America. As Warriors, notice the ‘lifelong learning’ educratic phrase and how education/workforce aligned apprenticeships will break down American silos.


Related Resources:

1) From 2017, an open letter to anyone who teaches CTE. From my heart, hard questions about why anyone would NOT fight what their job is being turned into.

2) From early July 2018, all the reasons WHY we should exercise our American citizenship responsibilities to HALT our government in its tracks.

3) From 2016, the Heads Up and Made in America White House created initiatives helped ramp up the marriage between U.S. Dept. of Education and U.S. Dept. of Labor.
(*Note: look at the recent White House events centered around “Made In America”. Consider these events were right around the time the new CTE Law was signed.)

4) From 2017, I invite you to go back and watch the 4 embedded videos to contrast the continued workforce shift unfolding right before our eyes. See how relevant this information STILL is!

5) From 2015, this pair of articles show you the “Upskilling” going on in America at that time and how it fit into the CCSS Machine’s agenda.

6) From a few days ago, the Women on the Wall conference call where Alice Linahan, Mary Black, and I tie CTE to the CBE (Competency Based Education) which is used by the SEL (Social Emotional Learning) to shift our kids values, attitudes, and beliefs.

Driving this all? The United Nations and its SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) use of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and, Math) for the global/national economics.


(Clipart by ClipArt Library, image is by @commoncorediva)


Warriors, this doesn’t have to be our nation’s epitaph! This doesn’t have to be the future our children face, either. We must, I repeat, MUST, protect our families. How? Listen to the closing moments of the Women on the Wall call.

If you’re like me, you recognize the federal government’s propaganda is about to step up to never before seen proportions. CTE, apprenticeships, and all that goes with them are NOT America’s savior. They are NOT your family’s savior in any way, shape, form, or fashion.

There’s only one Savior in our lives, and it ISN’T aligned workforce based education!

Our Savior IS Jesus Christ.
God save us all as we go on from here. Pick up your swords, my Warriors.


26 thoughts on “Formerly…

  1. [We must, I repeat, MUST, protect our families. How? Listen to the closing moments of the “Women on the Wall” call.] Where is this “Women on the Wall call”? Do you have a link? I live in Utah. I am a homeschooling mom. What should a homeschool mom do with her kids? What do you advise I do? Please will you write a post only for homeschool moms, and only about WHAT TO DO ABOUT ALL OF IT? I would relly appreciate it tons and tons.

    Here are my biggest questions, after following your blog posts for years:

    1) Should my child even take the GED, which is full of propoganda and lies in the social studies science, verbal and language portions (which I wrote a blog post about)?

    2) I have noted that the ACT is full of propoganda in the reading, english, math and science sections (yes, all four). The more she takes the test and the more she studis for it, the more indoctrinated with lies she will become.

    3) Colleges and Universities all teach socialist-communitarianism and United Nations sustainability lies. They do not teach about liberty and about our Constitutional Republic. How can I give my children a great College or University education without feeding them all of this communist indoctrination?

    I just have no idea what to do. I am lost. Please help.

    1. Lisa,
      First, the link to the Women on the Wall conference call was embedded under the Related Resources, point #6. If you need the direct link, here it is:
      Secondly, you are correct that the GED is full of BS aligned to the CCSS agenda. Person Publishing bought the GED a few years ago and has totally aligned it with ALL it can to fit the Common Core/College and Career Readiness. It also indoctrinates with the STEM (From the United Nations).
      Third, yes, ACT and SAT will be aligned as well. CLEP, a long time alternative for homeschoolers also has gone over to the ‘dark side’. The entire push behind this shift is to assimilate ALL education choices.
      My advice, as a homeschool ‘vet’: do ALL you can to stay out of the system for as long as you can. Research your college/post-secondary schools of choice. ANY post-secondary educational institution receiving ANY form of federal money will be in the system. I’ve found this to be true even in private Christian schools. Also, true apprenticeships modeled after the Bible’s system would be superior to the government run ones. Ultimately, it would be ideal to be as ‘off grid’ as possible in education. However, the wagons have been circling homeschooling for years. ESSA and the current education reform will NOT let up. Stay the course. Let’s talk more when you can.

      1. Lisa- Angie can correct me please if I have the wrong recommendation, but I have recently also discovered New Saint Andrews College in Moscow, Idaho. We are not sending any of our seven kids there as yet, but the message from President Ben Merkle in February I caught on podcast spells out clearly how detrimental trusting colleges with our kids is is right now! One of his quotes is that the spiritual life of your entering freshman, according the research, is in greater peril than the soldiers unloading from the boats in the D-Day invasion at Dunkirk. So their podcasts have been really insightful, I get them from iTunes. In the meantime, talk with your husband about all of this. Get his perspective on what your family’s role might be. Jen in Saint Joe, Michigan

      2. Is there a list of colleges not receiving any federal money? Also, my eldest is starting to prepare to take CLEP and DSST tests. What I like about it is that I can add in (supplement) as I prepare her for the tests, and this makes me feel like my child’s college education is more controlled environment than the university. I am not only into CLEP for the credits. I am into it for control over the curricula. I am hoping that will be good.

        For example, for CLEP History of the United States I and II, we are going to study from books I have handpicked and I will do te teaching. After we are done with all of that, then the studying for the CLEP test will happen. It leaves the control in my hands.

    2. Lisa. There are over 100 colleges that note accept the CLT entrance test. So forget about SAT and ACT. Also, over 800 colleges in the US do not require SAT or ACT. You can also get a degree on line through Thomas Edison. You take the required course for your major and then get your last 3 credits to graduate with a capstone through Thomas Edison. Of course this won’t work if you want to be a brain surgeon but it covers a lot of major and TE has been around a long time. Look up the CLT exam to see where it is accepted. It is not a Common Core entrance exam. Here is the site for CLT

      1. I lost that battle, sadly. My daughter insisted she wanted the SAT, my son, the ACT.My husband gave his ok. I fount as hard as I could to get them to do the CLT, my husband even spoke to the guy who runs it on the phone…but in the end they chose the other :-/

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