Ed’s Epic “Fail”

Would You Believe It Wednesday

Anti Fed Ed Warriors, in my last article, we went over the Winter 2018 Brussels Education Declaration. In closing up that article, I shared with you the importance of taking a second (or for some, their first) look at this information. Why? Because the Declaration backed up the GEM Report for 2019. GEM is short for Global Education Monitoring.

This is worth looking at again (or may be for the first time) due to the fact that the UN/UNESCO will be using education as the vehicle to drive immigration changes to our nation. 

Woven into these massive changes will be the epic failure of ‘climate change’. Also lumped in, will be what’s taught in formal and non-formal education settings. The GEM Report for 2019 (Titled: Education on the Move) is close to 440 pages. Broken down over 20 chapters, this Report is entirely subjective from the viewpoint of migration and immigration. Also included are displaced citizens (either by force or choice). (*Note: the document will take a few minutes to open, due to its size.)

Lots of other educratic moves are being planned, thanks to this GEM Report. Is America planning on participating? You bet. No one asked We the People if this is what WE wanted, but nevertheless, we’ve been committed to shifting education to this global ‘tune’.

****It’s my suggestion that you take the last article (Brussels) and this one to compare and share with your leaders of authority. If they do not know what we face, as a nation, then how can we expect them to use their authority to help us?****

For the remainder of this article, I’ll share the most ‘need to know’ epic fails for American education ‘hidden’ within this massive global movement we’re ‘signed up’ for.

GEM 2019 Notes:

1) The Report claims itself to be ‘timely’ and the international community finalizes 2 pacts (Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration and the Global Pact on Refugees). *Note: Both were adopted or signed in Dec. 2018.
In the Executive Summary portion of the Report, the very first line you read contains “Leave no one behind”. UN/UNESCO feels it’s one of the most globally encompassing statements of all time.

Educratic Epic Fail #1:
The Report also states it combines these with SDG #4, Quality Global Education for All.

Educratic Epic Fail #2: By combining both pacts to the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), no one, anywhere will be ‘left behind’. Warriors, where have we heard this sentiment before? The ESEA (Elementary and Secondary Education Act) re-authorization called “No Child Left Behind”.

2) The Report serves as a ‘reminder’ that it’s our (collective) moral obligation to provide education, especially to those who are displaced locally or internationally, immigrating, or, migrating. If we don’t we are all squandering human potential. How? Because no centralized, streamlined system for education and training is firmly in place, these are the people most likely to ‘fall through the cracks’. By investing in education, economies will be developed and boosted.

Educratic Epic Fail #3: Education is a privilege. It’s not a moral obligation. Education has pigeonholed millions of Americans into workforce tracks. By forcing education to become a shell of itself, the globalization has ruined academics.

3) The Report goes on to wax elegant about teachers needing to be trained to handle all diversity, cultural, multilingual, and psychology needs. That well designed curriculum should positively address diversity, critical skills, challenge existing prejudices, and, cause ‘positive ripples’ across the world.

Educratic Epic Fail #4: Warriors, how many of us have seen the overloading of our teachers with everything EXCEPT academics? Teachers were licensed to teach, not to be counselors, mental health professionals, or ‘jacks/jills of all trades’.

4) Because so many people are on the move (so the GEM claims), we must design education to fit them, not just host locations or host nations. Because education is such a global moral obligation the Education Cannot Wait Fund (ECW) is going to be used to create this change in ‘mobile’ education. (*Note: the ECW was created in 2016 at the World Humanitarian Summit. To date, the US has given $21 million. ECW is hosted by UNICEF and is a mix of P3s (public private partnerships), corporate foundations, philanthropists, and public funds.)

Educratic Epic Fail #5: It’s been proven by so many folks in America, that no amount of funds has ‘fixed’ education. Why are we still pretending it does?

GEM 2019 Helpers:

Warriors, the GEM Report did give us some clues as to which CCSS Machine member groups are helping further this educratic epic fail. They are the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development), The University of PA (for their cumulative childhood behavior and diversity), Strength Through Diversity Project, Institution for International Education (based in NY), the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, and the MasterCard Foundation. Are there other CCSS Machine member groups not named but involved? Yes, you know there are.


GEM 2019 Themes:

Warriors, the authors of the Report used the immigration/displacement/refugee status in some overall themes. They are: deprivation causes need; order/disorder; will vs coercion; welcome vs rejection. The overall message to these themes? Since no everyone can adapt well, we must ‘level’ education/training.

GEM 2019 Money:

Funding global education is big business. Denmark leads the world ($73 million). America is 8th with $21 million. Warriors, below is a screen shot of Chapters 1-4. Notice how the ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) can be tied into the GEM 2019 Report as an educratic epic fail:

(*Note: next time you hear someone say we should be like Denmark in education, show them this article.)

GEM 2019 Assimilation Strategies:

Warriors, according to the Report, migration (regardless of why) and displacement intersect with education and training. Because the intersect, definite impact is also experienced.

Assimilation is the goal.

HOW to assimilate is broken down in several ways. For example, we must globally accommodate education by a commitment to fulfill the internationally accepted human right to educate. By adjusting education in this way, social cohesion is achieved. Governments increasing their education ‘responsibilities’ can see more inclusion and less conflict. To meet everyone’s needs ALL forms of educating will be accepted, formal, non-formal, community based, and privately.

GEM2019secondMore assimilation tactics include funding for education as well as humanitarian efforts and development efforts which will connect to education. One way this will play out is in updating resources like outdated textbooks (filled with bad attitudes). Other ways? Financial literacy, recognizing competencies in work skills and education (better access to the job market), and, assessments tied to data mining.

GEM2019third Below is an older visual I made to help you see the progression to cause American education to ‘epically fail’. With the new GEM Report changes, look at how they will use that old system:

International Community (includes the US) Sharpening Tools for SDG #4:

Warriors, how does the GEM for 2019 lay out these tools? Power and money are the biggest two. Then there’s the assessments and tests which will use data trails to the UN to monitor us all. Turning the agenda to shift education toward immigration and displacement has shoved the issue to a ‘high level political item’. This ‘item’ is the key focus on an upcoming forum (July 2019).

Other sharpening tools include ‘beefing up’ graduation rates; starter education younger (aka early childhood education); turning education into CTE (Career Tech Education) and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) exclusively; using OBE (Outcome Based Education aka CBE, Competency Based Education) for education/training for work; global citizenship; safe schools; embedding the SDGs; scholarships provided for education/training by P3s, corporations, and the government;
globally trained teachers; and, using education in all the other SDGs for ‘decent work’.

The biggest ‘sharpening tool’? Legislation and policy moves for immigration, migration, and refugees. Warriors, sitting in Congress, right now are over 200 immigration related bills! From my quick search, only 2 fit the GEM Report of 2019 to a ‘tee’.

Those are HR 1044 (Rep. Lofgren, CA is the sponsor, 224 co-sponsors) and S 386 ( Sen. Lee, UT is the sponsor, 21 co-sponsors) These Bills are related, but not exact copies of each other. HR 1044 is  the “Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act of 2019”; S 386 has the same name.

GEM Report Pages For The USA:

Warriors, below, all the pages from the GEM Report for 2019, where the US is mentioned:

Warriors, I urge you to open this image in a new screen, access the GEM Report (near the top of this article) and read for yourselves. If you want to access that early childhood upcoming meeting, go here. To learn about the IAEG-SDGs group, go here.


Warriors, if ever there was a time to be concerned about our nation, I’d say this is it.
Immigration/migration/displacement come from within our shores and from outside ALL our borders.
However, education IS the change agent we should be focusing on. Walls, or lack of them, have NOT stopped this UN led takeover of our schools! Walls, or in spite of them; education will continue to shift to workforce unless WE stop it.

*****Warriors, in my next article, how UN-led climate change is rampant in D.C.****




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