Sap Damage

From the Files Tuesday Would You Believe It Wednesday

Anti Fed Ed Warriors, you may wonder what sap (that gooey stuff found in certain types of trees) has to do with education? Well, that kind of sap doesn’t, but there is a ‘sap’ which directly applies to education. 

If you’ve not heard about it, there’s a new magazine from SAP (Student Achievement Partners) have loads of propaganda. Propaganda, they hope will stick to your view of how ‘great’ the CCSS Machine’s type of workforce prep can be. (*My thanks to KB for the tip)


Core Connections, as the new magazine is called is to be published quarterly (4 times a year). The Fall 2019 issue is the first issue.

ccmagTo learn more about SAP (Achievethecore), visit the website.

Warriors, the magazine’s on-line version is a bit difficult to read, so use a magnifying option.

From what I could read, upcoming webinars from Core Connections, are Sept. 2nd, ‘formative assessments’; Oct. 2nd, ‘CCSS Math’; Nov. 6th ‘foundational skills’; and Dec. 4th, ‘math modeling and equity’.

For teachers/educators, from Oct. 15th to Nov. 26th, a series on how fractions can lead to student achievement.

Also, among the 32 pages of propaganda are all kinds of cheerleading type of articles. There’s even an opportunity for educators to win a $25 gift card for sharing their love of the CCSS Machine.

I saw ‘news’ for ELA (English Language Arts). What news? Mini assessments, as if the students are assessed enough. (Page 16) Not to be confused with ELA, on the same page is ‘news’ about ‘Coherence maps’.

What are those?! That’s SAP’s convoluted approach to math. Somehow, the shift in math is supposed to make more sense when ‘it’s across grades and topics’. The real SAP goal of ‘coherence’ is CCR , College and Career Readiness. However, Warriors, I ask you, how can any student be CCR with CCSS Math? (By the way, the propaganda spin is that CCSS Math is the ‘most misunderstood standard’, but it’s not their fault.)

Warriors, we KNOW, that CCR is not anything but re-branded Common Core. While SAP is applying gooey lies, we know that CCR is assigning our students to 3 different ‘readiness’ tracks: college/jobs/military. No more, no less.


Core Connection Partners:

Warriors, in the first issue of Core Connections, you’ll also find ‘shout outs’ for the SAPpy Partners. Groups from the CCSS Machine for sure. Achieve, Inc; ANET (Achievement Network)EdReports; TNTP (The New Teacher Project); IBM, and Learning Forward.

Leadership for ANET is Harvard University tied. As we know, Harvard is a huge CCSS Machine member.

You’ll find Zuckerburg is tied to TNTP, in this 2017 article from the news section of TNTP. Zuckerburg’s interest? Personalized learning (PL). Joining Zuckerburg in this? College Board. As we know, CB is Coleman’s ‘baby’.

As far as Learning Forward and EdReports, I’ve written about each of these groups recently. LF can be tied back to the UN and the Schlechty Center; ER can be tied to the Annenberg Foundation. Warriors, IBM’s alignment is easy enough to trace, but if you’d like my latest article about their ‘sappy’ propaganda, you’ll find it in this 2019 article where IBM can be tied to Lenovo and GIGA data centers.

Warriors, sap can ruin clothes. The CCSS Machine’s SAP is ruining our children. It’s ruining true teaching, too. Both major teacher unions in the US are SAP partners.
What will the second issue of Core Connections bring us in propaganda? We’ll have to ‘stay tuned’ to find out.


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