Under The Cover Of DC WWE Inauguration, This Communist Agenda Moves Forward

While Wednesday’s inauguration will make it appear as though a transfer of power is taking place, it’s really just the left boot being put on while the right boot of the tyrants is being taken off. The fact of the matter is that many of the same agendas continue forward, and one of those is a clear Communist agenda that is the most damaging to the United States and has been for 4 decades! The Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor joins me in this episode to discuss this important topic.

Resources mentioned in this episode and additional resources provided by Lynne. Also links to books mentioned in this episode.

The Constitution of the United States of America, with all of the Amendments; The Declaration of Independence; and The Articles of Confederation, annotated (Breathitt Classics)

NEA: Trojan Horse in American Education

On Secular Education

School World Order: The Technocratic Globalization of Corporatized Education

Biden/Harris Transition website:
The Public Law (created/passed 1963) allowing for Presidential Transitions:
From Political Law Briefing’s website, the proof allowing P3s (public private partnerships) in
Previously published resources on the ‘no difference’ between Rs and Ds in education:
1) Features Sons/Liberty interview with educratic overreaches in Public Law 116-260 and the first proposed bills from the 117th Congressional session:
2) From 2016, how even before taking office Trump/Pence was trotting out the overreaches via CTE (Career Tech Ed aka Adult Common Core) and ‘school choice’ (page 17 of the Every Student Succeeds Act wiped true choice out with the ‘all education must be aligned’ verbiage.
PL 116-260 further wipes out ‘choice’, see #1)
3) Before Sen. Harris dropped out of the Presidential 2020 race to become former VP Biden’s teammate, I gave you an article with all kinds of research on her (and others) educratic overreaches. (Be sure to click on the name that’s highlighted to see other research on her):
4) VP Biden was the Big Union waterboy in the Obama Administration:
6) If you thought Trump didn’t support CTE and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and, Math from the UN, United Nations), or how they fit right into all his apprenticeship overreaches, read all these:
7) All my research on Common Core State Standards guru, Linda Darling-Hammond (Currently heading up the education Biden/Harris Transition Team):

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