FTF: More Tracking the Workforce Aligned Society

As promised, anti CCSS/CTE Warriors, here’s the article detailing more information on how our nation is slowly, but surely becoming a workforce aligned nation.  Over the weekend, if you read my “Weekend News”,  I shared 2 distinct graphics from the federal government’s Education and the Workforce Committee.  See: https://www.commoncorediva.com/2015/09/27/weekend-news-tracking-the-ccsscteworkforce-aligned-society/ SKILLS Act? It’s a Law Now and […]

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Weekend News: HEA (Higher Ed Act) and the ‘Common Core’

Greetings, Warriors! What’s the latest on the re-authorization efforts concerning the Higher Education Act, but HOW is the “Common Core” involved? The quick answer is “Career Technical Education”. (what I’ve proven to be the ‘adult version of the K-12 “Common Core Standards”). Another short answer is the ” Initiative behind the entire alignment of education.” What […]

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May Day, May Day! CCSS/CTE Urgent News!!

Usually, on Fridays,  you anti CCSS Warriors would see the “Fib-o-Meter” appear. Believe me, today’s article will be FULL of CCSS/CTE Fibs! However, since there’s an urgency to getting as much information to you BEFORE the Senate resumes their education overhaul marathon, I’m devoting the entire weekend’s article to giving you ‘ammo’ (aka ‘information’) that […]

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