Sic’ ‘Em Saturday: Do You Know NASBE?

Before the CCSS, a Brief History: The National Association of State Boards of Education is a public policy, non profit group since 1958. They are dedicated to helping your state B of E be even stronger. Given CCSS’s grasp on our state Bs of E..we’re in trouble. (more history: Enter, Mr. and Mrs. Gates: Click […]

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FTF Tuesday: Comprehending Assessments

As always, on Tuesdays, you anti CCSS warriors are treated to those files, documents, and links I’ve been able to uncover that continue to point to the underbelly of the CCSS Machine. Today’s is a doozy! “Pathways to College On-Line Library”: Website: The file from their archives today has an interesting note at the bottom […]

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FTF Tuesday: IASSC..Universal Certification

IASSC (International Association for Six Sigma Certification) is a third party in the field of workforce credentials. If you’re not familiar with how credentials play into Common Core, think WorkKeys assessments (from the ACT, Inc. folks), Career Tech Ed, and THAT arm of the CC Machine. What’s interesting to note is this credentialing company has […]

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