Monday Musings: The CCSS “Are You Kidding Me?!” Files

As October winds down, anti CCSS Warriors, the hype supporting CCSS appears to be ramping up. Today’s post will show you how. Use the information to keep the pressure to STOP ‘Common Core’ (and all its aliases)! First up, Special Needs: Those running the CCSS/CTE Machine have made it no secret that ALL students, regardless of […]

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Weekend News: Workforce’s Got Your Number!

This weekend’s news will feature the CCSS/CTE laden Workforce Data collection systems.  We learned how our students are referred to as ‘human capital’. We’ve already learned about the U.S. Government’s Workforce Data collection system; the state level ‘human capital life tracking systems. Let’s find out what the private sector in American business is doing to […]

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