RMT: Halting a CCSS/CTE aligned Workforce?

To the Warriors against the ‘Core’, we’ve learned over and over that the CCSS Machine has many parts to it. Those parts include Career Clusters, Career Pathways, the American Apprenticeship Initiative, Career and Technical Education, and the  Common  Core Standards (which encompass every subject, including the Arts and PE). One of the biggest parts of […]

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Monday Musings: Opportunity or Ultimatum?

Happening just days from is the “National Opportunity Summit” in Washington, D.C. How this connects to Common Core is about to be revealed. Join me as we learn all we can. Clothed as ‘opportunity’, it smacks of ‘ultimatum’. The Nation: Website: http://opportunitynation.org/the-opportunity-summit/  Known as “Opportunity Nation”, this group is part of the “Be the Change, Inc.”, […]

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