The Liberty Belles Discuss MINDSPACE with guest James Martinez

Did you know you are in a large mind control experiment? And, did you know that most individuals are now suffering from Stockholm Syndrome? James Martinez, expert on mind control, joined The Liberty Belles for our “Saturday Night Special” March 5, 2022, Live on Facebook to discuss the MINDSPACE documents, its companion Australian document, and the results of years of propaganda aimed at mind control, which we are seeing today. James also dropped a few bombshells during the show! If you missed it, you are certainly in for a treat. If you watched live, you can watch again here and have access to the information we discussed.

See all The Liberty Belles shows on Rumble, BitChute, and UgeTube. Due to BitChute not allowing the larger files produced, The Liberty Belles can now be found on Brighteon. Check our Lynne Taylor at as well as on Sons of Liberty Radio every Wednesday at 6 AM with Tim Brown on “Rotten to the Core Wednesdays”. Suzanne Hamner can be found at Sons of Liberty Media and Brighteon at “Hamner It Out”.

If you have questions, comments, or have a topic you would like The Liberty Belles to investigate and cover in one of our shows, please email Suzanne at And, as a show of appreciation to James, please leave a comment on the show at either The Liberty Belles Facebook page or our Rumble channel to let us know your thoughts regarding the show. Be sure to mention James, Lynne, and Suzanne in your comments in either place so we can give James some feedback. We were very humbled and honored to have James as our guest.


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