Tech Thursdays: Anti CCSS Need to Know Items

Tech Thursdays
We must listen to how CCSS has infiltrated ALL aspects of education, not just K-12!
We must listen to how CCSS has infiltrated ALL aspects of education, not just K-12!

It’s been an honor to be a trusted ‘go to’ person in this War Against the Core (as I call it). Especially when it’s come to the aspect that Common Core is extremely embedded in our post-secondary world. Why is it so important to repeat this? Because no matter where your pre-K through 12th grade education took place (ie: homeschools, private schools, parochial schools, charter schools, virtual schools, or public schools), post-secondary schools (meaning 2 year community colleges, public (and some private) 4 year colleges/universities, for profit trade schools, on-line courses, etc.) ARE aligned to Common Core via Career and Technical Education, Career Pathways, Career Clusters. This includes education majors.

So, while I’ve written about this extensively before 2015 and in 2015, I’m giving you the most important articles from 2015 which can be extremely helpful in helping educate others in the fight against Common Core. Listed in no particular order.

For Cradle to Career Information:

Be sure to access the related articles posted at the bottom of the article. If you don’t know about Knowledge Works, you truly need to investigate them.
While not beginning in the earliest of school years, the Career Pathway tracks are showing up as early as third grade in some states. This article gives you an inside informant’s view.

The Difference Between ‘Career Clusters’ and ‘Career Pathways’:

One of these is older than the other one, however, they’ve both got Common Core alignment as their conjoining factor. Why it’s important to know the difference isn’t so much what the students and teachers have to perform, it’s who is involved in ‘gifting America’ with all of this.
How Workforce is Embedded in HR5:

This article from March 2015 ties how the Workforce (as in WIOA: Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014) has been woven into the current HR5 legislation. The common tie to HR5 and HEA: Higher Education Act? Sen. Lamar Alexander. How does the HEA play into WIOA? An aligned education that’s seamless in transition.

Apprenticeships, CCSS Aligned:

Here’s a program being touted as a great alternative education choice yet is also under the CCSS/Career Pathways realm. Known as AAI, the American Apprenticeship Initiative, this Career Pathways baby is a gift from the U.S. Dept. of Labor to America. This also connects to the Workforce Act.

Attracting the Students Via Extra Curricular Clubs:

Back in Feb. 2015, I shared with you how our students are being sought after by the extra curricular clubs. The problem with this? Many are now going by CCSS/CTE guidelines. Would you know which ones? Do you know someone who needs to know? Share this one.



Be sure to let me know if you have found any of the recap articles to be helpful to your fight. I strive to do my best to serve you in being the best prepared CCSS warrior out there.

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