Sons of Liberty Media

Near Peers They Are Coming For You

Articles, links, bonus videos mentioned in this episode. Defining a ‘near peer’: 1) From the website, the 5/15/24 announcement: 2) The YouthCorps website: (Note the newness of the website, the future plans, etc **The first attachment is the ‘game plan’ for the YC’s Mental Health ‘task force’. See how this ties to neighborhoods […]

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The Federal Government Attacking the Family and Parental Rights - including Homeschooling

The Federal Government Attacking the Family and Parental Rights – including Homeschooling

Homeschool stuff: 1) My article from early June (raised the call for parents to read the Federal Register’s post for the US Dept of Ed and the proposed IDEA $ changes. 2) My article following that up (it’s laying out the price tag for our children): 3) Federal Register link (all public comments […]

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State Owned Students Coming Soon - Unless YOU Stop It!

State Owned Students Coming Soon – Unless YOU Stop It!

Lynne discusses with Tim on how every family will be impacted with the Federal government’s plans to remove parental consent and classify all children as disabled  (special needs) for the purpose of accessing funds for “providers” (Medicaid, S-CHIP). Background: Federal Register: Assistance to States for the Education of Children with Disabilities: Lynne’s articles: […]

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