Scatterblitzing America Part II

Join Lynne and Suzanne as they continue to review the book by Betsy DeVos “Hostages No More: The Fight for Education Freedom and the Future of the American Child”. This is Part II of Scatterblitzing America.

See all The Liberty Belles shows on Rumble, BitChute, UgeTube, and Brighteon. Check out Lynne Taylor at as well as on Sons of Liberty Radio every Wednesday at 6 AM with Tim Brown on “Rotten to the Core Wednesdays”. Suzanne Hamner can be found at Sons of Liberty Media and Brighteon at “Hamner It Out”.

If you have questions, comments, or have a topic you would like The Liberty Belles to investigate and cover in one of our shows, please email The Liberty Belles at Don’t forget to drop by The Liberty Belles Facebook page and leave your thoughts and comments. Please stop by our Twitter feed @LibertyBelles2 as well to connect.

As always, Stay vigilant! Armor up Anti-Fed Ed Warriors!



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