Sic’ ‘Em Saturday: Grab a CAPE, CCSS Warriors!

Thanks to an avid supporter of my blog, I recently received a tip that the profit making, CCSS writer, David Coleman was a guest at a CAPE event. What’s CAPE? CAPE stands for the Council for American Private Education. Website: CAPE was founded in 1971 by 8 different private school related groups to ensure there […]

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Sic’ ‘Em Saturday: No Laurels to Rest On Yet

If you’ve been following the news lately, you’ll note that a victory (of sorts) was gained by those fighting CCSS. The Good News: The controversial HR5 (Student Success Act) was put on hold. HOWEVER, that’s not the end. As long as the federal overreach and P3 money flows, you can bet your crown of laurels, […]

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