Sic’ ‘Em Saturday: Do You Know NASBE?

Before the CCSS, a Brief History: The National Association of State Boards of Education is a public policy, non profit group since 1958. They are dedicated to helping your state B of E be even stronger. Given CCSS’s grasp on our state Bs of E..we’re in trouble. (more history: Enter, Mr. and Mrs. Gates: Click […]

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Sic’ ‘Em Saturday: CCSS in Christian Schools, Even More!

In Yesterday’s Fib-o-Meter Friday post, there was quite a reaction to the revelation about CCSS in more ways than we’re being told about showing up in Christian private schools. After the mountain of responses I received, there was one from a mid west state (OK) who asked if I could help her get her family’s […]

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Sic’ ‘Em Saturday: Those Who Oppose, Yet Support

Common Core Standards have been proven to be embedded in our post-secondary schools via Career Pathways, Career Tech Ed AND Workforce Training! So what do you do with your legislators who are opposed to Common Core yet are working overtime to ensure Workforces??? North Carolina’s Story: As you know, I’ve been sharing how the state […]

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Sic’ ‘Em Saturday: Actions for Armchair Warriors

An open letter: The letter below is one that every leader of an anti Common Core group would love to have read by others, especially by those who’ve encountered CCSS,  express valid complaints, frustrations, or issues; yet are hesitant to become active in joining the fight. Please bear in mind this is a composite letter […]

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