The Climate Change Gossip Game: Navigating the New Arctic

The Climate Change Gossip Game: Navigating the New Arctic

Public indoctrination centers, as well as other entities outside them, are now promoting climate change more than ever. Now, there is a new call by the NSF (National Science Foundation) for all eligible educators, non-profits, corporations, schools, and anyone else interested in continuing the climate change gossip game, to ‘come on down’, and do it […]

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US Perestroika: The New Indoctrination Into Socialism & Social Justice

US Perestroika: The New Indoctrination Into Socialism & Social Justice

Many are familiar with the term used in Russia known as “perestroika.” It means “restructuring.” This is exactly what is happening in the United States in education. For far too long, parents have allowed the government to unconstitutional and immorally indoctrinate their children, and now, it’s about to get a whole lot worse. Common Core […]

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Not only does the Trump administration continue to advance a globalist education agenda (Yes, they use terms you like to hear such as choice and charter schools, but the definitions remain the same as previous administrations), but the CDC is now advocating for “school sleepovers,” “pod hangouts,” and “pod schools.” What does that have to […]

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