The New World Order Cometh: Trump, The UN, Samaritan’s Purse, Vatican & More

Globalism is the New World Order and many involved have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof (2 Timothy 3:5). Many are deceived and deceiving. In a follow up to last week’s episode on Franklin Graham’s Samaritan’s Purse’s ties to the UN’s SDGs, we’re now seeing his ties to the Vatican and more. In this episode, we’ll expose the ties of Graham’s ministry to the NWO, as well as Freemasonry and occultism, including the World Council of Churches. We’ll also touch on the President’s embracing of UN Day, which is the furthest thing from “Making America Great Again.”

Videos, articles, and additional information discussed in this episode.

The United Nations October Surprise: A Trick Or A Treat?

Exclusive Bombshell Report: Samaritan’s Purse & The UN – Partners In Globalism?


It is from the Union of International Associations for NGOs, IGO & NPs. It’s a bit blurry, but you can see the Samaritan’s Purse location website addy & the UN’s SDGs.

US Embassy news tying Samaritan’s Purse to the Vatican:

From Newt Gingrich’s website: his backing of SP in name of COVID & Jesus.

The 2018 powder keg article tying Grahams/ Ministry to NWO, OWG (New World Order/ One World Govt), as well as Freemasons/ Occult, Pres Carter & more:

The World Council of Churches (based in Switzerland) is a connecting the body to the US’ National Council of Churches (aka Natal Council of Churches of Church of Christ; I have info on their CCSS Machine involvement on my blog).

World National work directly with Vatican & Pope, as well as UN:

Mother Marian warned of Pope Francis as ‘Devil’ with the May 2020 meeting to update & change the global education alliance. (In the link above, from the Vatican, you can hear how the 10-15-20 meeting was the postponed date, due to COVID.)

1) More churches/denominations and their connected schools aligned to the UN and CCSS Machine:

a) 2014’s look at Notre Dame, Bib Jones Univ., Liberty Univ., Concordia & more:

b) 2017’s update on private education:

c) 2020’s update:

2) President Carter’s Commissioned Report for Global 2000:


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