Monday Musings: Opportunity or Ultimatum?

Happening just days from is the “National Opportunity Summit” in Washington, D.C. How this connects to Common Core is about to be revealed. Join me as we learn all we can. Clothed as ‘opportunity’, it smacks of ‘ultimatum’. The Nation: Website:  Known as “Opportunity Nation”, this group is part of the “Be the Change, Inc.”, […]

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FTF: The SBA and Common Core

Common Core and the SBA: For this “From the File” Tuesday, I have a ‘hum-dinger’ for you. The SBA (as in the ‘Small Business Administration’) has been supporting Common Core. How do I know? A Oct. 2014 National Summit. The Summit: Titled the “National Summit of Middle Market Funds” (see:, Maria Contreras-Sweet (the SBA’s administrator) […]

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FTF Tuesday: Career Readiness via Adult Common Core

Did you know that’s there has been a movement in recent years to have our states create legislation to ensure Common Core via Career Tech Education?! Yes, I found the evidence on the website for “Career Tech Education Policy Watch”. (see: ) What you need to know: From the 2013 document, “State Policies Impacting CTE, […]

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