Hi, anti CCSS Warriors! Over the past months, each Monday, I’ve shared with you my thoughts regarding anything related to Common Core. Some weeks, you’ve shared those same feelings and other weeks you’ve allowed me the freedom to share with you things which I’ve learned in all my extensive research. I thank you for each opportunity to be a trusted voice. I thank you for challenging me to new aspects and areas in researching.
So Far in 2015:
In no particular order, here are the most pressing of CCSS issues I have felt were worth sharing. Why do I share my personal thoughts? Mainly because I’ve been asked repeatedly to share my thoughts and impressions from all that I’ve uncovered.
Encouraging you, the anti CCSS warrior is of great concern to me because I know what it’s like to fight a big problem with the feeling you’re all alone.
Alerting you to important issues, especially what legislators are up to:
Be sure you review the alerts, as most of them have to do with assessments, policies, laws on the books, and educational entities involved, like charter schools.
Again, thank you for the opportunity to share with you. Together, we are a valuable team. I’m so glad to stand shoulder to shoulder with you. We’re making trouble for the CCSS Machine…and that’s a VERY good thing.