Any day I’m blessed to be alive is great. However, add to that that I get the honored opportunity to speak out against Common Core AND that makes the day truly legendary!
In case you haven’t been able to access the live stream from my last two radio guest spots, I’m providing a brief synopsis of both. I’ll start with today’s and then Monday’s.
NegDog Radio’s Broadcast:
Access to Paul’s Radio Station, http://www.blogtalkradio.com/negdog-radio/2015/06/24/negdog-radio-war-on-the-core-wednesdays-episode-175. My first appearance on this show was last week, where I was able to share with the listeners from all around the globe how Common Core has made its way into our sports teams, programs, and related extra curricular activities. In turn a couple of the listeners had their suspicions confirmed as to why sports coaches must be teachers as well.
The host, Paul, was so ‘blown away’ he asked me to return to his show this week and appear on today’s show. He set aside 2 hours so we could discuss and field questions about HR5 (“Every Child Achieves” Act) and the HEA (Higher Education Act). Both of these federal level bills are up for re-authorization. Both bills will cement MORE Common Core Standards and Career and Technical Education, data mining, social justice, social and emotionally inappropriate materials into not just the K-12 population, but the entire post-secondary population as well!
Here are some of the links to the previously published articles (which contain much information, links, and/or documents mentioned during the broadcast:
1) This article was one I wrote in preparation for the last Twitter rally before HR5 was voted on. It contains the list of organizations backing the “Every Child Achieves” Act. https://www.commoncorediva.com/2015/04/06/monday-musings-hr5-rally-tonight/
2) Sen. Alexander’s papers detailing his successes with “Career Ladders”, “Master Teacher Corps” and much more of his education agenda, can be found by following this link,
3) The groups which make up the Council for Higher Education and are actively backing the re-authorization efforts can be found in this previously published article of mine,
4) To track the progress of HR 5, follow: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/114/hr5
5) To access the 2008 Higher Education Act as it stands NOW (I can share at a later date the page numbers and other sections you need to really focus on): https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/110/hr4137/text
6) How the Workforce agenda is embedded in HR5, from my archives:
7) To access the article I’ve published with will include the 144 page blueprint Sen. Alexander is using as the base to re-write the HEA, see:
One resource I meant to share, but didn’t have time is what one group backing HEA (and supported by Gates Foundation) is hoping to see out of the re-authorization. The reason I wanted to share it is found at the 1:12 mark on the short video message. Notice the Gates Foundation’s involvement. See:
Lastly, assuming you’ve been able to access both the audio files Paul provided on his website from the Women on the Wall archives, you’ll want to access the SCAN publications website that Anita Hoge mentioned during her informative chat about HR5. SCAN is the acronym for “Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills”. Which Secretary? The U.S. Dept. of Labor’s, that’s whom. Why would you want the access to the publications? As Mrs. Hoge mentioned the framework for what a 21st Century worker is to look like, have completed via their education, is laid out here. This is where it is more than evidenced that education isn’t about true academics, it’s now about what will get you ready for work. See: http://wdr.doleta.gov/SCANS/ (use the left hand menu bar and choose “Research”. Choose ‘publications’ and notice the titles you see. One you might find very telling is the ‘Young Parents Guide’. I know I did.
To get the archived copy of the interview from today which will include the links to the Women on the Wall archives:
http://www.blogtalkradio.com/negdog-radio/2015/06/24/negdog-radio-war-on-the-core-wednesdays-episode-175 (*NOTE: As the CC Diva, I am not responsible for the slide show you which accompanies Paul’s radio show) You’ll also be able to access last week’s anti CC broadcast as well.
Monday with Doris:
Accessing Doris’s show is easy to find on Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/dailydialoguewithdoris?fref=ts
Monday’s appearance was a first for me with Doris. We’d become friends via Facebook some time before our time together on Monday. Joining Doris and I on her broadcast was a couple from Freedom Project Education. This is the group which Dr. Duke Pesta and Mary Black are associated with. FPE is dedicated to being 100% Common Core free in their on-line school!!
We openly discussed the different perspectives there are about CCSS, what it is, the agenda behind it, how to fight the CCSS Machine, and more. The time together flew by so quickly, but we were able to get much information into the listener’s hands.
Doris has invited me to appear on her show in the future so we can continue the discussion about Common Core. I’ll be providing her radio show archive from Monday’s broadcast as soon as I can.
With the invitation by both Doris and Paul to reappear on each of their shows, added to the requests I receive from Tamara Scott and Alice Linahan who also use Wednesdays for broadcasting, I will be publishing daily articles Sunday through Tuesday and Thursday through Saturday each week. Wednesdays will NOW be set aside for media appearances.
Thank you, my readers and now, my listeners for this opportunity to expand the outreach that’s been blessed to be in my life in helping lead the fight against the CCSS Machine. I am truly honored.
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