Anti Fed Ed Warriors, how many times have we heard that PL, ‘personalized learning’; especially in this, the ESSA Era (Every Student Succeeds Act); will help our students acquire more AND better information? What about how much the PL will boost their performance levels? It’s been proven that PL is a out and out lie thrust upon parents across the nation.
The ‘better information’ is the SAME information the rest of the non PL students receive. The reality of PL is that it constantly assesses our students with mind-numbing algorithms and agenda.
So, one more ‘virtual’ on-line PL school shouldn’t hurt, should it? After all, it gives the busy parents one more ‘choice’ in how to educate at home OR how to supplement the 7 to 8 hours of school work your student receives in a brick and mortar school!
Oh, yes, I’m absolutely certain Johnny and Suzy will want MORE school work once they get home. ESSA’s mandate for 365, 24/7 on-line access to ANYTHING educational is coming true at harmful speeds.
The problem, Warriors, is what’s being considered ‘educational’ could be OR it may NOT be. It’s like the old saying of ‘if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and, quacks like a duck, then it probably IS a duck.’
In other words, slap the name ‘school’ or ‘educational’ on something and IS acceptable..especially in the ESSA Era.
However, I believe (based on research) that this type of purposeful deception should be exposed AND avoided.
Warriors, it isn’t the duck which needs to ‘get out’ of our way; it’s the water the duck swims in that we should ‘get out’ of!
Meet “OutSchool”:
This CA based, 2015 corporation can be accessed on-line, here.
For a quick run-down, this on-line, virtual school offers over 3,000 classes. These ‘classes’ are offered over all 7 days of the week, and 24 hours a day. Teachers are located all across the globe.
Here’s the short sales pitching video:
In looking at just a few of the classess offered, I saw “American Girls” (which has aligned to the CCSS Machine), STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math), pre-algebra, SEL (social emotional learning/grooming), and herbal gardening.
There were tons more offerings. However, what I noticed was those ‘teaching’ are charging parents per pupil (the prices I saw ranged from $89.00 per ‘learner’ to $200.00) for the ‘privilege’ to sit in front of their computers and ‘learn’.(*Note: the SEL teacher’s biography extolled her virtues in leading kids in physical movement while at a brick and mortar school. But how do you ensure a child’s actually moving while on-line?) These fee-based classes run in 4 week, 8 week, or longer sessions. You have to register separately for other sessions.
Look at the ‘fine print’ when signing up for a session of classes and you’ll discover that you’re purchasing the teacher’s materials and therefore cannot receive a refund.
*Why bring up a cost for classes? The main website advertises joining for ‘free’!
According to the OutSchool’s terms of agreement, the virtual ‘school’ is really an on-line education marketplace for you to shop!
As part of the OutSchool’s privacy parameters, when you pay for ‘success’ in these classes, the teacher gets to video record your student.
What group or CCSS Machine members are behind OutSchool?
From the OutSchool’s “About Us” page, it appears several young and upcoming CCSS Machine disciples are at the helm of this marketing scheme. For example, one of the key leaders used to work at Testive (a SAT assessment prep group). I exposed Testive’s alignment to Common Core back in 2015. Another leader was previously tied to Cambridge. Cambridge is in on the global data mining and education track.
Below are some of the OutSchool investors:
To see the sources for these investors in undermining true education:
Quazzo’s biography
My information on GSV and their plot to rid the US of school boards.
SVAngel information// Y Combinator education projects//Funders Club Wonderschool
If you need more on Wonderschool, go here.
To see the Sesame Street website, that’s here. To see my revealing article about Sesame Street aligning our youngest learners, that article is here.
The Collaborative Fund’s website//AltSchool’s resource, then my research on them. (*Note: the embedded article gives you the most recent connections to the educratic takeover as well as the archived look from 2016 on AltSchool’s targeting the Catholic churches.)
Reach Capital’s K-12 “Human Capital” Map is here.
John Danner’s Aspen ties will be seen here. As far as what I’ve previously published on Aspen, look here.
Warriors, if you’d like to see what types of sellouts to the CCSS Machine OutSchool is hiring, look here. If you’d like to read WHY OutSchool chose to ‘get out’ of the educratic spotlight, until recently, I’ve provided that for you. Over on SiteJabber, OutSchool has 2 mixed reviews. One from a teacher’s viewpoint, and the other, a homeschooler.
Warriors, how will any school choice be regarded as ‘personalized’ or ‘free from the government’ when the same aligned resources are being embraced?! We cannot treat education as the new ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ when it comes to the CCSS Machine’s overreach into our family homes.
How can we tell folks to get out of one system, only to see the SAME system ensnare them elsewhere, and say little to nothing? We must we the type of Warriors who are fearless in exposing the wrongs.

Much like that OTHER ‘marketplace’ offering great deals on health care (until you read the fine print), this educational marketplace needs to be vacated IMMEDIATELY. It offers zero savings and 100% agenda!
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