Anti CCSS Warriors, I simply want to encourage you to contact Congress today. Those helping us fight this War Against the Core have been quick to alert us that the changes to the re-authorization of the ESEA (Elementary and Secondary Education Act) are BAD NEWS! I am not about to repeat those warnings. Why? You can easily find them on you own. However, a great place to start would be the Truth in American Education’s website: http://truthinamericaneducation.com/
That stated, I DO want to pass on that you MUST call! Do not just stop by reaching out to your specific state, contact those key Congressional members responsible for this debacle, too! Not sure what phone number to use? Start with the main switchboard for Congress, 202-224-3121. Want a specific list? Use the Citizen’s Guide to Congress: http://www.contactingthecongress.org/
Don’t forget that the CCSS Machine is working overtime to pump out as much negative press as possible right now to make those of us against Common Core (and the rest of the ‘quality education’ connected to it from “cradle to grave”) look at daffy and misguided as ever!
For example, the Raleigh News and Observer published today this awful piece.
Be sure to leave a comment, I certainly did! I will share with you what I wrote:
“Good grief! Once again the N & O has a reporter promoting one side of this issue moreso than the other! If you want to know the real story of oppostion AND how long the ‘real’ sides have been at it, you would need to do more research. If so, you would find the roots of Common Core in NC are much older than what you report. You would find those who are opposed, as am I, to this illegally based education reform, that WE the People did NOT get to weigh in on, you would know we have uncovered evidence that this paper would never consider to report!
The NCCTM has been helping align math standards for years! But, you’d know that, if you have dug into this important issue. You would also know that laws have been broken as well as created to cover the snafus created by all that Common Core encompasses. You would also find the Common Core ISN’T simply math and english; you would discover it is in EVERY subject! You would find the alignment begins in Preschool and extends to graduate schools AS well as the NC job markets! NC sold out its citizens years ago for money over education. We are just beginning to see the damages. It will only get worse IF the state doesn’t wise up and DUMP Common Core, Career Tech Education!”
Please keep in mind, anti CCSS Warriors, the CCSS Machine will NOT stop at high school..it is (and will to) continue on through post-secondary education. This means the re-authorization of the HEA (Higher Education Act) will follow soon. I have given you plenty of evidence on this subject. Do NOT delay, halt Common Core NOW!