Now, More Than Ever, We MUST Fight On!

Tech Thursdays
This was from the NCLB days. Since ESSA is now in the picture......
This was from the NCLB days. Since ESSA is now in the picture……

Well, Warriors Against the Core, we have seen our Congress members fail us miserably. We have witnessed, first hand, how the CCSS Machine chewed through the red tape; influenced those in D.C.; and now has only one more stop before nationalized education hits the local schools. Oh, I know, all those media reports stated Common Core was dead. However, Warriors, think back to what you’ve learned here about those IN the Machine, their efforts, their investments. Other researchers and I have SHOWN you consistently that not only is CCSS (and all its other names) here to stay, the law headed to the U.S. President’s desk will chain us (as a nation) to CCSS (and all its related resources)!

If you missed my article about what do NOW (this was the article I published after the disastrous U.S. House vote on ESSA), I urge you to go back and read it.

Here’s an excerpt I think you can well identify with: “Our educational reform being handled so illegally (consider the U.S. Constitution’s parameters for a ‘we the people’ government), so rushed, so without due diligence is the worst example of leadership I have ever seen. It certainly is the worst Christmas present Congress could give America!”

If you still are not sure how to pick up your battle weapons and move forward (for we simply MUST do so), please consider the Women on the Wall phone call from Dec. 3rd, 2015. We discussed what kinds of actions would be appropriate. Listen to the broadcast, then think about how it applies EVENMORESO now that the Senate has also given the citizens a disastrous vote). Access the archive:


Where We Need to Look….Again:

During the Senate’s ‘debate’ from the past couple of days, a lot of groups were thanked, as well as individuals. If you listened closely, you heard all kinds of information we, the anti CCSS Warriors, already knew and could piece together, but thanks to bragging orators, we learned some things we maybe didn’t know, we certainly got a list of those involved.

Why does this matter? Think about it, until we knew what people were involved in creating CCSS, we couldn’t discover how they connected to the agenda to ruin America via education. (example: David Coleman) At first, we heard a person’s name, saw they had a fancy title with a big educational group and assumed they had our student’s best interest in mind. Keep in mind that while we were watching the proceedings, those who are standing to literally profit the most from this new law, were using social media to promote and call attention to their new products, services, and standards we will be seeing very soon. Think I’m bluffing? Here’s an example of what I saw on Twitter debuting on 12/9/15:

So much for state led, local control where leaders and educators get to make up their own minds how to run things!
So much for state led, local control where leaders and educators get to make up their own minds how to run things! 

By the way, the CCSSO (Council of Chief State School Officers)  is quick to tell you these new Standards are voluntary. If you’d like the pdf file to do you own fact finding:
I don’t trust, for a minute, anything the CCSSO has to say, they have lied to us, as a nation way too many times to be trustworthy.

Moving on, TODAY, the 10th of December; we can be a more informed Warrior! We KNOW which groups/people are NOT interested in our student’s best interests, but rather the inappropriate agenda that is knitted throughout the CCSSI( Common Core State Standards Initiative).

If you would like to review those Congressional sessions (both from the House and Senate) you have the Congressional Record website, where all the proceedings are documented.
For example, the link below is the one where you can find the Senate’s every word spoken and recorded from yesterday, 12/9/15. The first page is a summary, however, if you want a verbatim account, click on the highlighted page numbers.
If you are really want to hear anything that happened on 12/9/15 and was related to the ESSA, here is a link where it is all in one place:

If this isn’t to your liking, you can access C-Span’s archives as well. For example, here are the two links from 12/8/15. Why those and not the ones from the 9th? You are listening out for names, many were stated out loud on both days, but the 8th’s ‘debate’ was much longer than the 9th’s. The names will help us when it comes time to look at the State level of control.


Warriors, NBC News has stated the President will sign the ESSA into law, today, the 10th of December. See:
Warriors, we MUST not give up! State led education, as we know is a fallacy, but the CCSS Machine knows that as well. The media will continue to spin how the states can now have control, DO NOT let it divide us.

Yes, there will be many anti CCSS Warriors assume all is over and rejoice. Many others in this War Against the Core will pack up their toys and go home. However, we MUST continue to expose the ESSA’s language! We MUST continue to read the law! When we meet a legislator or citizen who is falling for (or has fallen for) the rhetoric of local control, we NEED to have the page number of the ESSA, topic, and, real time meaning to refute the lies! Truth, my fellow Warriors, TRUTH is what sets us free!

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