Anti CCSS Warriors, this edition of my ‘Weekend News’ contains links to upcoming or archived events you may not know about and can attend/listen to in how we can learn more ways to fight the federal overreach in education…and our lives as families. NO educational choice will escape this!
First up, a vital conversation between the CrossWalk host and Alex Newman. CrossWalk is a Christian based organization. However, whether you are a Christian or not, this conversation is HUGE in its importance. The conversation took place 3/18/16. It focuses in on how teachers are to spy on students; how the U.S. Dept. of Education is calling parents ‘partners’ in raising families; and how a recently released FBI document plays into the Social Emotional Learning so deeply embedded in the ESSA factors into what will be our lives now.
To access the conversation: http://www.worldviewweekend.com/radio/audio/crosstalk-march-18-2016
To access the FBI document (I suggest downloading it before it disappears):
Secondly, if you have followed my blog for a while, you know how I have broken down the ESSA and exposed its overreach into our families by aligning education from BIRTH and will extend it to higher education! Add to this Dr. John King’s confirmation as the Secretary of the U.S. Dept. of Education. Then, go back and listen to Sen. Patty Murray’s speech directly relating to HOW Dr. King would be a great fit for the early learning push.
The sum? Massive amounts of family interventions and CCSS/CCR/CTE/STEM (Common Core State Standards/College and Career Readiness/Career Tech Education/Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) in our communities, our homes, and our choices in life.
To access the Confirmation hearing before the U.S. Senate where you can hear Sen. Patty Murray’s speech (be sure to listen to Sen. Lamar Alexander’s speech, too): http://floor.senate.gov/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=2&clip_id=1866
If this link does not work, you can access the Hearing via: http://www.senate.gov/floor/, then scroll down and select ‘March 14, 2016’ and ‘video’.
To attend a related and upcoming Webinar specifically detailing the Birth to Grade 3 Alignment to the ESSA from a State level (includes how it will be funded), then register to attend the NC Early Childhood Foundation’s April 6th, 2016 session. While the Webinar is geared for NC, the Foundation has extended the invitation to ANY citizen from all other States to attend.
To access the Webinar’s invitation: http://buildthefoundation.org/2016/03/essa-webinar/
If you are curious as to how friendly the NC Early Childhood Foundation is (I know I was), see the screen shot below:
As in the past, Warriors, you can learn much from this even if you don’t live in NC. Why? Every state will be put through this cycle.
Thirdly, the CBE (Competency Based Education) push will hit teachers and educators very hard, thanks to the ESSA. An upcoming Webinar, March 22nd, will address this shift in education from the VERY (friendly) CCSS Machine members, Digital Promise (a White House led initiative) and the Gates Foundation funded, EdWeek.
To access the open invitation:
To learn a bit more about the main presenter in the Webinar, visit:
http://schools.bloomboard.com/state-educational-leaders-come-together-to-discuss-the-shift-towards-competency-based-learning-for-k-12-educators/ (*Note: 3 States, FL, TN, and DE will also be presenting information.)
Other things to look for where open invitations can be shared? Your State’s ESSA Virtual Academy is a great place to look. For example, CO has one titled the ESEA (Elementary and Secondary Education Act Virtual Academy. They, of course, have shifted the topics to ESSA, but you can still get a great look into all the archives of the ESEA/ESSA topics from a State level, so you can look for similar in your State. To see what I mean, visit their website:
(*Note: In NC, where I live, there is an entire set of webpages in the DPI (Dept. of Public Instruction) for federal monitoring, which is similar to the CO Academy. I show you this to contrast how different the names of these pages of information can be. To see what I mean, visit NC’s site:
So, Warriors, act quickly, learn much, and SHARE!

The webinar is full. Dang it!! I hope someone will record it and share with us. I was going to register and record it myself but they are not taking anymore registrations.
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