A Move Ahead:
Recently, I shared that I would be shifting all my Common Core Diva articles to a separate Facebook page. That will be official as of Wednesday, May 11th, 2016. I am asking that if you are a friend of mine on Facebook, you make this move with me. My personal page (Lynne M Taylor) has been blocked, banned, and beleaguered because of all the truth about the CCSS Machine I have shared. Will this move stop the censorship? Who knows, I have no trust of Facebook, due to their part of the educational reform movement in America. But, I will NOT be silenced! I thank each of you who have placed your trust in what I do. I especially thank all those who have helped share what I research and publish when the CCSS Machine tries to silence me. We are in this TOGETHER, Warriors!
To ‘like’/join my new Common Core Diva page: https://www.facebook.com/CommonCoreDiva/
Please share this update with all the anti CCSS Warriors you know, so we can stay united in our information. The website one of my Warrior friends is building for me as the Diva is still in progress. I will share the news of its debut as soon as I can.
Radio appearances and in-person speeches are still going on for me, as well. If you know of an outlet which would desire to be added to my schedule, please let me know. As always, I am honored to be a trusted anti CCSS/Fed Ed Warrior.
Graduation, Dead Ahead!
Also moving on in the upcoming weeks, will be all those graduating seniors. No matter what educational choice or grade level, there will be lots of students moving ahead. The CCSS Machine is purposing them for a rocky road of indoctrination and alignment that might as well be confinement. If you don’t believe me, review the previously published article from last week about Achieving States.
That said, there is more you need to know…
Paving the Common Core/College and Career Readiness Road:
It is no secret that because ‘Common Core’ isn’t the current name used for the educational reform we are seeing, it is, in fact still the law of the land, thanks to the ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act). It has a newer moniker, ‘College and Career Readiness’, now. ESSA also will be using ‘Challenging State Academic Standards’, too. Expect to hear this phrase championed by the CCSS Machine, especially from legislators and politicians.
Why am I restating the obvious? We should NEVER forget this, especially with elections going on from now to November 2016. Every Congress member who helped pass the ESSA needs to go. Every Congress member who helped pass the WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014) needs to go, too!
Why? Isn’t ‘work’ a good thing for our students? Sure it is, however, because of these two key Federal Laws, our education reform has transformed what our students learn! If you don’t believe me, go back and read my previous article where I shared just how many times the WIOA is used in the ESSA.
Then, follow that one with the article where you will learn just how much money every State is to vie for in regards to a workforce based education embedded in the ESSA.
Knowing our students of all ages, upon graduation, will be seeking even more education, and/or seeking a job, we need to NEVER forget that the U.S. Dept. of Labor is just as guilty for furthering the CCSS Machine down the educational road as the U.S. Dept. of Education is!
Join me tomorrow where I go into more details about the ‘Silent Partner’ you may not know is a member of the CCSS Machine.
Hi Lynn, I reached out to a friend & patriot advocate in CT. She has a on w a week radio show that she’s had me on a few times. She’s asked me to reach out to you and invite you to participate for a half hour this Sunday. Her email is below.
CT gov Malloy and his SDE appointee Diane Wentzel are corrupt! I believe Malloy is at the head of NGO. Their cronies include aggressive charter industry, especially Achieve and ConnCAN. CT’s budget is a national embarrassment. Cuts to vital services and public schools while allocating increased funds to charters. In fact, Malloy has made it clear that charters are off the bargaining table, not up be touched.
Our leading CT blogger is Jonathon Pelto. He’s a (dem) former state Rep, involved in CT gov for 30+ years. He’s unveils the corruption but has a limited understanding if the “big picture” ie the system and trajectory of these reforms.
CT teachers are disgruntled about the education committees failure to pass legislation to decouple SBAC from their evaluations. However, they don’t understand (but need to) that the system is designed to fail them and push them out in favor of tech & charters. The leading teachers union is CEA- CT education Assoc.
Local BOE’s are paying dues to CABE (reform led) CABE ends up rewriting local BOE policies, websites, or etc…. Their most recent recommendations include breaking down HIPAA.
CT is woefully behind other states in student data privacy. Leading the charge to protect kids, is CAPE- CT Alliance for a Privacy Protection. Their alliance with other groups and consistent presence in Hartford pressured the recent passing if HB 5469, Student Data Privacy. It’s related only to on line data and lacks teeth but it’s a start that can be beefed up next session. The reformers lobbied hard against it (and another bills to deteriorate SBAC).
CT residents are mostly clueless, focused on keeping their jobs and struggling with skyrocketing taxes. They need a wake up call in laymen’s terms. Our kids are being psych data mined & profiled. Our local gov and taxes are being hijacked. Our teachers & true public schools are being targeted & dismantled. It’s a civil rights, parental rights, taxation representation issue. Homeschoolers & private schools are not immune and ALL citizens are obligated to be informed and advocate….I hope the Diva can help!!
If it does to work out for this Sunday, I’m sure Lori would welcome another opportunity to have you.
Thank you for your vigilance and advocacy, Cheryl Hill
Cheryl, Thank you. I will be in touch. That said, I am not seeing the email address, if you wish, PM that information to me on my private FB wall.