Saluting all You “Hortons”

Would You Believe It Wednesday

Anti CCSS/ESSA Warriors, thanks for your recent participation in the #ReinInTheKing Twitter Rally and your public comments against the ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) Proposed Regulations. Our thanks also needs to be directed to the US PIE (United States Parents Involved in Education) for their gracious efforts in putting on the Rally with PJNET.

From the first time we learned about these overreaching pieces of the ESSA’s voluminous pages. We have  exposed it!
Groups which may not always see eye to eye on everything, joined together to protest these Regulations. Every time a voice was added, we were living out the fictional story by Dr.Seuss. His book “Horton Hears a Who” is a great example of teamwork AND consistently applied belief. The story shows just how important EVERY voice is when the cause is great.

Warriors, we we’ve been groomed for such a time as this.

What’s Next?

The U.S. Dept. of Ed is up to its usual ‘quasi-transparent activities’ related to the ESSA, for starters. What do I mean? Well, Dr. John King is busy conducting in-person and on-line ‘feel good’ sessions about ESSA. (Why the ‘quasi-transparent’ opinion? Think back to how many times we have seen the CCSS Machine open items for comments, do little to ‘advertise’ they need feedback, receive very little, then claim the people have spoken for use in furthering their agenda?!)

We’ve no idea how the U.S. Dept. of Ed will respond nationally to all the comments made concerning the Proposed Regulations, so we will need to keep an eye on them. I do know the person in charge of collecting all the comments posted this about the comments,
” Note: Agencies review all submissions, however some agencies may choose to redact, or withhold, certain submissions (or portions thereof) such as those containing private or proprietary information, inappropriate language, or duplicate/near duplicate examples of a mass-mail campaign.”
No matter if the U.S. Dept. of Ed responses or not, our dissent is on record. It is documented! Even if some opposing statements were withheld, the TRUTH will live on and shine through when it is needed most. Remember, with elections coming up, truths we have about the educational reform overreaches will help tremendously.

So what can we do? Listen, watch, report what you see and/or hear. Provide consistent facts with what we know and what is going on. As always, getting the word out to our network of Warriors, is also something we can do. We must employ the “Horton” tactics again and again. Remember, this is a WAR for our nation’s educational system; our teachers, students, and families; our freedoms.

Is There More I Can Speak Out About?

Absolutely! Remember, the Proposed Regulations covered all kinds of ESSA strings. Teacher pay, state funding, student measurements (assessments), and more. The Proposed Regulations are not the only ESSA topic to publicly comment on. So, again, we have a “Horton”-like opportunity to speak out. Why bother?

Our consistent and practiced Warrior mindset: Protecting our families from federal education overreaches. Our belief that America is STILL the ‘land of the free’, while we are being brave. Our actions of self-sacrifice for not only our children, but each of our friends, neighbors, and yes, even those who oppose us. Lastly, our  promise to each other that we ‘stand in the gap’ no matter what it takes.

The U.S. Dept. of Ed has the following  ESSA related item open for public comments:
Due 8/29/16, the comments related to Title 2 Funding (involves the LEAs (Local Education Agencies), the SEAs (State Education Agencies), school leaders, and teachers). To comment (as of this writing, only 1 comment is displayed): (*Note: this exact notice is posted three times.)

If you do not know how negatively Title 2 funding will be with ESSA as law, please refer to my previously published researched articles:
a) about ESSA and Teacher Pay
b) other CCSS Machine member organizations with their fingers in the Title Two funding purse:
c) how the 2017 Fed Ed Budget will treat Teachers/Leaders:
d) how the Digital funding in ESSA will encompass teachers; state budgets, etc.

From the NASSP (National Association of Secondary School Principals), a CCSS Machine member organization, here is their summary of Title Two under ESSA,

“Title II – Preparing, Training and Recruiting Teachers, Principals or Other School Leaders. Part A – State Grants; Part B contains all national activities and is split into four subparts funded through reservations: Subpart 1 – Teacher and School Leader Incentive Program (2017-2019- 49.1%, 2020-47%) Subpart 2–Literacy Education for All, Results for the Nation (2017-2019-34.1%, 2020-36.8%) Subpart 3–American History and Civics Education (2017-2020-1.4%), Subpart 4–Programs of National Significance (2017-2019-15.4%, 2020-14.8%): Supporting Effective Educator Development (not less than 74% of the subpart 4 allocation), School Leader Recruitment and Support (not less than 22% of the subpart 4 allocation), Technical assistance (not less than 2% of the subpart 4 allocation), and STEM Master Teacher Corps (not more than 2% of the subpart 4 allocation)”

Why I am highlighting the NASSP’s view? I covered their take on the Title One funding in the recent past and shared with you how they are gunning for the premium position of being the information leader when it comes to breaking down ESSA. See:

**Action steps: review the truths, weigh against the fallacies;  submit your comments! Remember, the States are already active in each of the areas above. So be sure to find out on a State level what is happening.

As an state-level example, here is what NC will roll out during its Aug. 3rd and 4th State Board meeting for ESSA public comments due 9/30/16:

To see the entire NC ESSA Update which will also be rolled out about the same time:


If you would like to see all the other U.S. Dept. of Ed items open for public comments:
(*Note: anywhere you see ‘information collection’ that is another term for ‘data mining’.)



Warriors, you know me well. You know I will continue to dig into these ESSA items and deliver (and/or) help to deliver truthful, anti ESSA news. I look forward to, and value, the “Horton”-like teamwork exposing more information will accomplish.



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