Striking Freedom?!

Monday Musings Weekend News

Anti Fed Ed Warriors, with the dedicated shift in American education AWAY from academics and TOWARD workforce alignment, have you ever wondered about all those plentiful jobs out there? Where IS ‘there’, anyway? What proof do we have that there truly are so many more jobs than people? Why aren’t we seeing these jobs in our backyards?

Supposedly, America’s doing SO well economically and labor wise. The CCSS Machine has worked overtime to strike a tone of ‘freedom’ and ‘booming bank accounts’. Trouble is, those bank accounts are NOT yours and mine. They aren’t even our children’s, neighbor’s, or, friends. Those booming bank accounts are the CCSS Machine’s corporate minions. From DC, you’ll hear the strike of ‘freedom’ described as a ‘vibrant economy’.
Again, the vibrancy ISN’T for us, it’s for ‘the greater good’ and unimportant national standings.


Why would I say ‘unimportant’? Because when it comes to importance, people; their lives, liberty, and freedoms are FAR more important than how fantastic your nation looks on paper.

For the rest of today’s article, we’ll see if we can find some answers to all these questions.

Below is an older visual I created to show that no matter what ‘freedom’ and ‘economic greatness’ is being reported/promoted, this is the reality striking us all:

“Outsource, Insource; Upwork, Downwork”:

Warriors, recently I was made aware of an on-line company (
offering cheap labor.onlineph

The slick and quick ad stated that if you’re too busy but have lots of stuff to do, simply hire an on-line PA (personal assistant). Sounds great, right?! I mean, c’mon, how many times have you or I felt we were too busy and needed extra help?! There are some catches, however.
First, the pay mentioned in the ad. A measly $3.00 per hour. Secondly, the extra help is located in the Philippines. So, naturally, whatever ‘stuff’ you have which requires extra help will need to be digital. This means data trails. Trails which can be hacked and tracked. (*Note: to see all the facts you see called out in the visual above, click on each of the tabs when visiting the main website.)

Is this type of virtual employment new? Hardly. Called “Upwork” back in the 1990s, it’s been re-branded ‘virtual assistant’. To be even more insulting, try the ‘personal virtual assistant’ or ‘outsourced employment’.

How does all this play into the ESSA mandates for education? The CTE (Career Tech Education), STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and, Math), and, CBE (Competency Based Education, also known as Outcome Based Education).

If you’ve heard of ‘coding’ in education, you’ve hit the nail on the head. This direct assault on our classrooms is grooming our kids to be poorly paid minions for others, not free thinking, independent Americans! Cybersecurity is also a ‘coding’ job many are being groomed for, both in public K-12 systems, as well as community college courses, dual enrollment, and hybrid classes. 

The bottom line is that all this type of outsourcing, on-line virtual garbage is this:
We ARE Human Capital, not respected human beings!!

Human capital concept in tag cloud
How the Initiative behind all that Common Core encompasses SEES your students like this.


1) To see the ‘comprehensive’ pay scale for the Philippines and virtual assisting jobs, go here.
2) To see a comparison chart for Upwork vs, visit this site.
3) The IRS isn’t happy about tax-free employment, virtual assisting.
4) On-line jobs in the US, look here.
5) The Philippines is a UN (United Nations) member-state nation. As such, all the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) will be in place. Just like in America. SDG #8 is ‘Decent Work for All’. If you go back and look at the site, under the “education” tab, look at the way the Filipino citizens are described. Will our citizens be described like this in the future?!


Warriors, how do we fight back? We must repeal ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act)! We must repeal WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act)! We must halt the re-authorization of the HEA (Higher Education Act).

How do we do that? Remembering We the People far outnumber our DC Administration. As that reality is brought out, use it to protest, petition, and, revolt against this overreach which not only is conditioning us to be totally government dependent, but pin our kids down to mindless jobs.

We need to follow full repeals with carefully planned extractions of ALL unconstitutional agencies in DC. The U.S. Dept. of Education is only ONE of them, not the ONLY one. The others INCLUDE the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services as well as the U.S. Dept. of Labor!

(*Note: no mergers have taken place, officially, but by merging and not extracting unconstitutional agencies will only extend the overreaches.)

Warriors, all 3 of these (Ed, HHS, Labor) were given HUGE power increases in ESSA for one reason: grooming students for human capital. A commodity to be bought and sold; controlled and dependent. This is NOT the future we want for our children, or our nation!

Take it back, Warriors!!


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