Anti Fed Ed Warriors, I’ve heard from many of you that my last article was ‘most excellent’. Thank you! If you missed it, it was all about the anti-bullying and kindness programs being rolled out. While on the surface that sounds like a great plan, I showed you how it’s all connected to the UN (United Nations)/CCSS Machine’s agenda for us to accept mass levels of acceptance and tolerance, regardless if we support this or not.

I showed you how the anti bullying is geared towards sexuality, in the last article. A topic that should be family centered, not globally enforced. We also covered upcoming October dates to watch out for, where this enforced will be passed off as freedom and peace.
**One last point I’d like to repeat, by using a character trait like kindness and grinding it through the CCSS Machine, this shift of values, attitudes, and beliefs will help compliance workers, not academically gifted, independent thinkers.
So, what can I show you today that relates October 2019 to more of the manipulation and indoctrination? We’ll focus on only a few October UN Days.
(Source; dates with my notes are found in the previous article I published.)
10/4/19, Begins Space Week:
Warriors, if you click on the blue underlined words on the website, you’ll be taken to a UN page where the day or week is described. For example, Oct. 4th begins UN’s World Space Week.
Did you know the UN has a treaty on governing the principles of member states (US in included) for outer space activities? The current treaty’s been in place since 1966! The original one was signed in 1963.
(Original Source, for the Treaty. Emphasis added is mine)
To see the 2019 Space Week information, go here. To access the Treaty, just click on the underlined words on the Space Week information.
So, Warriors, how much of our US Space programs is truly ours? We fund this with our tax dollars, after all, so we NEED to know. How much of the UN influence has been put into NASA (supposedly as American as you can get)? Plenty!
I’ve shown you in previous articles how NASA is an agency which lives and breathes STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). STEM is also from the UN to embed the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) in education and our every way of living.
(Article where you’ll find the image above. It revealed out NASA and the U.S. Dept. of Ed, along with the Trump Administration rolled out the SMD, Science Mission Directorate.)
Related Articles:
1) The U.S. State Dept and pumping up hype for girls in STEM to participate in NASA (and other) federal agency activities.
2) U.S. Congressional legislation (2018) for NASA, STEM, and every citizen.
3) In this 2017 article, I showed you how NASA and the U.S. federal government were helping 5G usage to become acceptable. In that article, you’ll also see the ploy of space family fun to create ‘citizen scientists’.
This 2018 article is related as it shows more of the US/UN alignment for us all.
4) In this early 2019 article, how the President wanted $21 billion for NASA.
5) This article suggests the SDGs are the only way to stop climate change. However nutty that lie is, it’s the way the UN wants to control and manipulate the Earth that is the most alarming. Nature, God’s creation is a delicate balance. Quasi scientific mumbo gumbo from the UN cannot be trusted with this balance.
10/5/19: WTD, World Teacher Day.
It’s been around since 1994 and is celebrated each year.
Warriors, do you see how the UN views teachers? As key to achieving the SDGs!
Our teachers deserve to be treated better and making them into UN widgets is not ‘better’.
10/24/19, UN Day:
If you cannot read the highlighted box, it says, “24 October has been celebrated as United Nations Day since 1948. In 1971, the United Nations General Assembly recommended that the day be observed by Member States as a public holiday.”
What will your school do to celebrate UN Day? According to this website, much of the day is celebrate via culture activities. Warriors, that’s one slick way to spread UN indoctrination. Make it fun and no one will suspect any undermining of our American ways.
What’s the 2019 theme for UN Day in America? Look below:
Warriors, be sure to look at all the promo pieces you can get. One image tells us we are either part of the pollution OR part of the solution. Not everyone who is opposed the SDGs is NOT in and ‘either/or’ stance. We all want our pollution to go down, but we shouldn’t be forced into a global directive to accomplish it.
Coming in March 2020:
Warriors, my last UN awareness day, for this article, is scheduled for next year, 2020. To be honest it’s not one day, but 2 days. What is it? Look below:
Warriors, be sure to click on the 2020 Committees, Topics, and Links (you’ll see the US in a few of them).
The GEMUN has a short video you’ll not want to watch, but you should. It’s colorful, fast moving, and full of climate change rhetoric.
To see the UN Comic Books, go here.
If you’ve not seen the “70 Ways the UN Makes a Difference”, I invite to read their own words about themselves. Their opinion of themselves is a bloated as a dead cow.
Warriors, no matter where your students and teachers go to school, this indoctrination is ripe in our communities. It’s rampant in schools and school related programs (which reach ALL children).
These items above are just a few of the ones your children and young adults, along with us at your sides, be exposed to this October 2019.
If you’re not sure how the UN and their SDGs have already gotten into your town, read this archived article.
If you missed my live FB video and articles about the free UN resource available to homeschoolers, public schools, and anywhere there are children, here’s a direct link to the UN’s SDGs Board Game.
If you missed my 2018 updates from the Global Citizen Festival, you’ll not only find that information here, but the Global Competency Matrix we’ll all have to conform to.
Look below, and see just how close we are to that Global Workforce Development.
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