FTF: A ‘Dependent Truth’

Well, the new U.S. Dept. of Education Secretary is wasting no time when it comes to selling higher education opportunities. But are these opportunities truthful ones? Will these opportunities come with MORE Common Core State Standards strings attached? What about College/Career Readiness? Career Tech Education (and all its other names) and their strings? I guess […]

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FTF: PreK Research: CCSS, CBE, and a Host of Others

As anti CCSS Warriors, we’ve heard of educational research on the K-12 level, the higher education level, but did you know there’s an educational research group for those in pre-kindergarten? I first wrote about the National Institute for Early Education Research and their Zero to Three involvement:  https://www.commoncorediva.com/tag/national-institute-for-early-education-research/ While that article will name the same […]

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