It seems fitting for my “From the Files” post, that we look at CCSS and it’s unpacking. After all, if we’re going to continue to see students fail, teachers frustrated to the point of resigning, and other staff members saught after for MORE CCSS alignment, we need to know the latest. The graphic you see above is from 2012, supposedly as the CCSS was just being rolled out. Just by the sheer fact the Standards needing an ‘unpacking’ guide should tell you that even then, the Standards were convoluted, but I digress. I will add that according to most veteran teachers I have talked to during this War Against the Core, educational standards are to be SO clear and concise, a teacher automatically knows how to approach them on their own. However, as we’ve seen with the CCSS Initiative’s agenda, nothing (or no one) connected to education can accomplish much ‘on their own’, it has to be all one way…sadly, that’s the ‘Common Core Way’.
A Bit of History:
From 2012, (where you’ll find the graphic above) and the State of NY, watch this short video and note how ‘talked down to’ the teachers are. Before you scream at me over that statement, consider that teachers have graduated colleges and universities, obtained many degrees, thus, they shouldn’t need to be told how to draw a circle, find the nouns or verbs, BUT that’s just what this presenter is doing!
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emL6NDq29qE&w=420&h=315]
Did you notice the makeover of “Bloom’s Taxonomy” to fit the CCSS?! While “Bloom’s” is considered a great model for education, it is OUTCOME based education. As such, it makes sense CCSS folks in NY would use this. We anti CCSS Warriors know and have proven CCSS is all about ‘student outcomes’, ‘leveraging’, and on and on.
Not to pick on NY, I wanted to see what the CCSS official website had for ‘unpacking’. So, I found this You Tube video from THE CCSS official site. It’s from 2013. In the 2012 video, you saw the main point as how to ‘unpack’ or utilize the CCSS. This one instructs you on how to read and utilize CCSS!
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TITyhE4Y3DE&w=560&h=315]
Did you notice that not even 1 minute into this short video, you heard CCR (college and career readiness)?! Did you spot that the example was a K-5 page?! Did you hear that math isn’t supposed to be taught in an exact order, but rather clustered together? If you’re a parent who has wondered WHY your students struggle with math, this is key information! “No sequential order”, that is a disaster happening before our very eyes every single day throughout our nation when it comes to math. For math to make any sense, there MUST be a sequence. Is it any wonder we have students AND teachers giving up, burning out, and quitting?!
Fast Forward to 2015:
Just published by the Learning Sciences International (part of the Robert Marzano group) has a NEW CCSS ‘Unpacking’ guide. It’s by Toby J. Karten (a staff member of LSI) and is all about ‘inclusion’ for students and teachers using CCSS. Now, if you don’t know who Robert Marzano is or what Learning Sciences International does, I urge you to read my previously published articles, which I will include at the conclusion of this article. In short, LSI and Marzano are using CCSS for globalist mindsets and bending social and emotional learning (another huge part of CCSS indoctrination).
All that said, you’re probably wondering about the guide, after all this article is about ‘unpacking CCSS‘.
You can find the book on LSI’s website for sale in their ‘bookstore’ tab. Website: http://www.learningsciences.com/ When you visit the website (if you’ve not done so before) notice the names of the programs designed for students and educational staff. Just awful, in my researched opinion.
In order to promote Karten’s new book, LSI hosted a webinar (10/28/15). I’ve included in here for you. It’s just about 1 hour. Some of the key points are listed below for you. Please, don’t take my word for it, watch it, share the information with parents and others fighting this CCSS scourge.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XZMAlrqV1g&w=420&h=315]
Key points:
a) using CCSS for inclusive classrooms
b) affirming what you already know about CCSS
c) different strategies for using CCSS even better
d) at about 3:09, Karten points you to the crayon drawing beside her picture. It’s here she states the ultimate goal of CCSS is CCR (college and career readiness) {*personal note: please listen to how she describes the picture}
e) what will ‘trip the CCSS up?’ No support!!
f) special needs students, anyone who is ‘outside’ the ‘normal’ is used as an example in this presentation. You’ll see IDEA talked about, IEPs for IDEA students, etc. *7:08 in the video)
In case you’re not watching the video, here’s her slide for IEPs and CCSS:
g) CCSS is successful for ALL learners, differences or likenesses, aside.
h) collaboration is a non negotiable part of CCSS. This extends to not only teachers and other educational staff but the students families as well!
i) 19:10 different strategies for more CCSS modeling and monitoring of the students (which is to be an on-going process) are revealed (they are repeated at 26:30 as well in not only their ‘alphabet soup’ forms, but what each stands for)
Related resources:
Marzano, LSI:
https://www.commoncorediva.com/2015/03/02/monday-musings-purposed-embedding-for-the-core/ (This one highlights the global aspect of the Marzano Institute before it became the LSI)
(This article describes for you the ‘rigor’ LSI is after in our schools and how it grades both staff and students)
Project Based Learning:
Special Needs, IEPs, IDEA:
Anti CCSS Warriors, please, read, review, and share all this information. From the pro side of CCSS, you heard it: with out support, CCSS will not succeed! That’s our intent..to NOT support it. However, many others must know this, too!
2 thoughts on “FTF: New CCSS “Unpacking” Guide”