HSLDA are they a friend or foe?

HSLDA are they a friend or foe?

The Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) is changing its leadership. Are they friend or foe? Who is the new head of HSLDA? Find out this and more in the most recent episode of The Liberty Belles. See all The Liberty Belles shows on Rumble, BitChute, UgeTube, and Brighteon. Check out Lynne Taylor at commoncorediva.com […]

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Liberty Belles 4

Episode 4 on education. Suzanne Hamner & Common Core Diva, Lynne Taylor, return for a third instalment of the Liberty Belles. You’ll want this link: https://www.oregon.gov/oha/PH/PREVENTIONWELLNESS/VACCINESIMMUNIZATION/GETTINGIMMUNIZED/Pages/SchRequiredImm.aspx Also cited on the OR govt pages: The Scientific Safety Review Working Group (based in CA, but look at the member states and groups. I found this on the […]

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Learning Loss Or Cash Cow?

WRITTEN BY: TIM BROWN – PUBLISHED ON: MAY 25, 2022 No matter what the government touches, including things that it has constitutional authority over, it makes a mess of it and in the process steals the people’s money. The unlawful indoctrination system is the same. Not only does it churn money for fascists in government and crony […]

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The Supreme Court’s Shuck & Jive Show

The Supreme Court has become nothing but a political tool to advance an anti-American agenda. While many focus on some of what they call “big deals” that SCOTUS looks at, and there’s no denying there are some of those, they often miss some of the most important cases that come before the court. The Common […]

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Know Thy Government’s Militant Intentions

The attacks against us are coming hard and fast from DC.  The first part is their attack on five states for supposed civil rights violations centering on not masking up when the schools should.  The second part is the reshaping of our US military. The Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor joins me in this episode […]

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