RMT Sunday: Who’s Minding Those Minding Education?

Ah, a new week begins. On this RMT Sunday (Riddle Me This), let’s look at who’s minding the education ‘store’ in your state. In other words, how well do you know your state level of education; state level department of public instruction. Answer this, if you can: Does you state have separate departments, branches, etc. […]

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From the Files: PCAST, STEM and Common Core

It’s about time I begin to share some of the most vital keys of evidence I’ve been able to amass since 2009, when I first began researching the march to adhere, align and embrace national standards for a ‘one-size-fits-all’ educational approach. My goal is to lay the foundation clearly enough, you should be able to easily pick up the interconnections and see where it all is today.

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