Monday Musings: More Parent CCSS Alignment

Anti CCSS Warriors, we’ve seen time and time again, especially in the past month, how the CCSS Machine has been cranking out the “parents checklists”, the ‘parents toolboxes’, and the like. However, did you know there’s a new “Parent/Community Checklist” by the U.S. Dept. of Education? Yes! The Gates Foundation even helped them pull it […]

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Monday Musings: Today’s The Day, Folks!

By staying silent about this, we are allowing not only Common Core to proceed, but SO much more! A Couple of Weeks Ago, I wrote about the huge push for the re-authorization of the ESEA/NCLB bill sponsored by Sen. Alexander. (see: In the essence of time, I’m only offering 12  succinct points of WHY this bill […]

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Sic’ ‘Em Saturday: “Springboarding” into the CCSS/AP Pool

Have you heard of “Springboard”? According to the ‘College Board’s’ website, the product line is a foundation. The description also goes on to tell you how great it, how it’s been proven, and so on. ( What’s interesting is that to find out about Springboard, you have to go the site’s ‘K-12 Services’. Oh, gee, […]

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