Tech Thursday: Part Two of the HEA, STEM, the Workforce, and America

Last we were ‘together’, anti CCSS Warriors, I was sharing with you how the Higher Education Act (of 1965) is set for a re-authorization sometime very soon. We were able to connect the dots between the purposed alignment between the pre-K to 12th grade and post-secondary levels of education. In the last article, you saw […]

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FTF: Update for STEM, Workforce, and the HEA, Part One

Warriors against the CCSS Machine. We know that Machine includes STEM, Career Tech Education, and Workforce. , it’s been very well researched and documented. We’ve seen the train wreck Congress made out of the Student Success Act, the Every Child Achieves Act. We won’t have to wait much longer to see what is revealed when the re-authorized […]

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May Day, May Day! CCSS/CTE Urgent News!!

Usually, on Fridays,  you anti CCSS Warriors would see the “Fib-o-Meter” appear. Believe me, today’s article will be FULL of CCSS/CTE Fibs! However, since there’s an urgency to getting as much information to you BEFORE the Senate resumes their education overhaul marathon, I’m devoting the entire weekend’s article to giving you ‘ammo’ (aka ‘information’) that […]

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