Anti CCSS/CTE Warriors, are you sick and tired of the repeated lies we hear about how the CCSS is just K-12th grades? I got fed up with it from the beginning. That’s why I’ve specialized in researching all the other areas of education CCSS swears it is..but, oh how we know it is.
To that end I’m devoting the rest of this article to the POST SECONDARY evidence new followers of my blog and/or new anti CC Warriors will need to have access to. Why? If you don’t have access to this information, it’s very likely our legislators don’t have it either. As a dedicated warrior/researcher in the War Against the Core. We need to share this type of information with those in the authoritative positions SO they can help END Common Core, Career Tech Education, and all the related components of the CCSS Machine.
Each of the article links below are from previously published researched posts. Each is written so you have the facts, not opinions. Each contains links to the documents to support the truth and/or dispel the lies. We’ve not much time before the HEA (Higher Education Act) is set to be re-authorized.
We MUST use the information we already know to combat Sen. Alexander and Sen. Murray’s push for more alignment to the CCSS Machine in higher education. We MUST also use this information to influence our legislators to combat the same efforts for Pre-K through 12th grades!! Why? Because, what’s been started in the Pre-K through 12th grade (the Student Success Act and the Every Child Achieves Act) WILL be carried on in the HEA’s re-authorization!
From Sept. 2014, Common Core, Career Tech Education in our community colleges.
Why your legislators need to know this: the movement to make community colleges into workforce stations, as well as offer courses for ‘free’. There’s a dangerous misinformed mindset out there surrounding ‘free tuition’.
As we’ve seen, NOTHING about Common Core is ‘free’ or worth investing in.
If you don’t share any other facts with those responsible for helping create the laws, this is the one paragraph from the above article you should pass on.
“Common Core Standards in community colleges, you say? Certainly not! Ahh, sadly my friends, community colleges are being made over to also align with the CC ‘just standards’ Standards. You may know from personal experience or from someone close to you about community colleges. They are what used to be known as ‘Junior Colleges’, and are 2 year schools of higher learning. Selling points have been that the schools are local, a great bang for your education buck, not as stringent with admissions, have a better professor/student ratio. This of course, may change drastically as we continue to see Common Core implemented in whatever fashion the states choose. One fact is for certain: if we only seek to rid K-12 schools of Common Core, we’re not really going to be as effective as if we consider the Standards are before kindergarten and extend to colleges of all distinctions.”
From October 2014, Workforce through the Common Core filter.
Why your legislators need to have this article’s information: if we are to truly be against Common Core, we MUST also oppose it’s damage in our workforce.
Things you should share about the Workforce and Common Core, Career Tech Education:
a) assessments are being realigned to manipulate student’s careers
b) many alphabet soup programs, entities are being used as the vehicles of choice to force CCSS/CTE outcome based education (performance based NOT academic based)
c) outside forces are influencing education which have no legal authority to do so
d) the joint efforts which ‘marry’ labor and education are toxically filled with CCSS Machine products, services, and lies
From November 2014, two articles about how the Vice President is leading the CCSS/Workforce bandwagon.
What your legislators need to know: acting on the orders of the current U.S. President, the Vice President has been a big leader in aligning post secondary education and the workforce.
The one portion of the memo creating this task for Joe Biden you should share, ” “Job-Driven Reform of Federal Employment and Training Programs. (a) Within 180 days of the date of this memorandum and in coordination with the Office of the Vice President, the National Economic Council, the Domestic Policy Council, the Council of Economic Advisers, the Office of Science and Technology Policy, and the Office of Management and Budget, the Secretaries of Labor, Commerce, and Education(Secretaries), in consultation with other executive departments and agencies as appropriate, shall develop a specific action plan, to be provided to me through the Vice President, tomake the workforce and training system more job-driven, integrated, and effective.”Among one of the ‘concrete steps’, is this: “ensuring better alignment across secondary,post-secondary, and adult education, and workforce training, including coordinating Federal programs and promoting foundational skill development for employability, on-the-job training, and apprenticeship options..” then: “encouraging effective regionalpartnerships among industry, educators, worker representatives, nonprofits, and the workforce system to prepare, support, and train youth, unemployed workers, low-skilled employed adults, and others for career path employment and advancement.” “
The second most important thing to share, is how Perkins funding is being manipulated to fit the CCSS Machine’s needs, ” Maintains state administrative funding at 5 percents of a state’s allocation
The new law also requires the development of articulation agreements and strengthens local
accountability provisions. The Perkins Act provides almost $1.3 billion annually to career and technical education programs in all 50 states until 2016.’ Each state gets to decide how to split the funding between secondary schools and post-secondary schools. (source: http://www.aypf.org/documents/PerkinsActFactSheet.pdf) ”
From December 2014, how CTE and CCSS are impacting those with alternative education needs.
What your legislators need to know. CCSS/CTE is a one-student-learns-the-same-as-all-the-others system. Students in the ‘alternative’ category will be the MOST damaged by this. There should be NO place in ANY education level that supports or accepts alignment as a great thing!
The one paragraph they should read? ” This 2013 presentation supports UDL (Universal Designed Learning) for teaching all ‘special populations’ (their phrase, not mine)
http://www.careertech.org/sites/default/files/C1MahadevanUDL_AccessibletoAll.pdf (originally out of the Texas Education Administration); from Alabama, a presentation on streamlining all students into CTE: http://www.careertech.org/sites/default/files/C5MSmithcareercluster-1.pdf “
From December 2014, two articles exposing the Federal Budget’s alignment dollars towards CCSS/CTE in post secondary education.
What your legislators need to know: the 10th Amendment plainly states NO federal involvement in what wasn’t laid out in Amendments 1-9! Education, along with several other states rights issues, are to NOT have ANY federal influence..including money! As one who has been elected to represent the citizens and taken an oath to uphold our U.S. Constitution, these legislators should NOT be seeking federal funds for education..period. Common Core/Career Tech at the post secondary level included! They also need to know how other federal level agencies are chiming in and using funds in the name of CCSS/CTE for post secondary levels.
Want to see where our money goes? Here’s an excerpt:
“Where our taxes are going to help support the CCSS Machine:
$300 million for a new Race to the Top (student longitudinal data system on a state-wide platform); $14.4 billion for Title One College/Career Readiness; $1.1 billion for those 21st Century Community Learning Centers (think cradle to grave agenda); $100 million for “Promise Neighborhoods” (cradle to career initiative); $70 million for Statewide Longitudinal Student Data System; $200 million for ConnectED (trains teachers to be CCSS and college/career readiness aligned, assessments, digital aspects, and more in the classroom); $5 billion for incentives (RESPECT) teachers who’ve completed College/Career Readiness training, building like-minded network; $1.3 billion in mandatory preK for everyone; $165 million for “Investment in Innovation” (i3) which will use a best-practices approach to education while affording the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Education a whopping $49.5 million to transform technology; $150 million to redesign high schools so they become college/career ready centers; $170 million for STEM revitalizing (of that, $110 million goes to LEAs to create a STEM network; $40 million to create a teacher STEM Pathway, $20 million to create a National STEM Teacher Corps;$1.1 billion to reauthorize the Perkins Act (means even more Career Tech Ed that’s aligned to CCSS). “
From January 2015, More evidence for post secondary education’s alignment to the CCSS Machine:
What our legislators need to know: those very groups so eager to help them are part of the CCSS Machine. NEA, AFT, and the list goes on. They also need to know that all the alignment in post secondary education ISN’T just for the students! All staff will be aligned, just as in Pre-K through 12th grades. Show them the networks, the documents in this article!!
Finally, from January 2015, the National Career Pathway Network:
What the legislators need to know: “Career Pathways is post-secondary Common Core and is coming at our students (regardless of age or school choice) via the recent Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014.”
What to share that is THE most important? The 10 Agenda points from the Dept. of Education and the 6 Keys from the Dept. of Labor! Then, ‘hit’ them with the ‘slick sales pitches’ we citizens are being slammed with!
Blog note: You’ll notice this article is in a new category “Weekend News”. Until further notice, I’m combining the 3 separate blog categories of “Fib-o-Meter Friday”, “Sic’ ‘Em Saturday”, and, “Riddle Me This?! Sunday” into one. With the recent change of status in my mother’s decline into Alzheimer’s Disease, I must adjust my schedule. I thank you for your support, your patience with me during this time. Each of the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday features WILL return sometime in the future.
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