Sic’ ‘Em Saturday: Do You Know NASBE?

Before the CCSS, a Brief History: The National Association of State Boards of Education is a public policy, non profit group since 1958. They are dedicated to helping your state B of E be even stronger. Given CCSS’s grasp on our state Bs of E..we’re in trouble. (more history: Enter, Mr. and Mrs. Gates: Click […]

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Sic’ ‘Em Saturday: CCSS in Christian Schools, Even More!

In Yesterday’s Fib-o-Meter Friday post, there was quite a reaction to the revelation about CCSS in more ways than we’re being told about showing up in Christian private schools. After the mountain of responses I received, there was one from a mid west state (OK) who asked if I could help her get her family’s […]

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FTF Tuesday: CCREC (College and Career Readiness Evaluation Consortium)

I don’t know if you’ve heard of this group, but I can’t help but think “CC Wreck” not “CCREC” when I see the acronym. Although it could stand for something like “Common Core Rots Education/Curriculum”. Well, enough pithiness, let’s get down to finding out more about CCREC. College and Career Readiness Evaluation Consortium: ( According to […]

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Sic’ ‘Em Saturday: When Your Faith Based School Uses CCSS Assessments

A few months ago I was chatting via Facebook with a parent of 2 children enrolled in a particular faith-based school. She had contacted me to find out how to discover where the Common Core Standard ties were hiding. What tipped her off? Homework! “Sara’s” Story: To protect my long-distance, anti Common Core mom, I’ll […]

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Sic’ ‘Em Saturday: Common Core, Minding Our Manners

Recently, I wrote about Social and Emotional Learning and how ‘Common Core’ is incorporating the style. If you remember, it’s more about the ‘greater good of a collective group’ than it is about ‘being the best you, you can be’. So, why the shift? It appears to be to better accommodate the ‘global citizen’ mindset […]

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