Before the CCSS, a Brief History:
The National Association of State Boards of Education is a public policy, non profit group since 1958. They are dedicated to helping your state B of E be even stronger. Given CCSS’s grasp on our state Bs of E..we’re in trouble. (more history: http://www.nasbe.org/about-us/about-nasbe/)
Enter, Mr. and Mrs. Gates:

Click on the screen shot above to see just how many dollars the Gates have granted the National Association of State School Boards of Education. Here’s a very brief description of each of the years. Website address is on the left hand side of the screen shot.
2005’s grant: to redesign high schools via leverage tools
2006’s grant: to address those high school redesign priorities
2009’s grant: regional meetings across the nation to ‘increase knowledge’ about CCSS
2011’s grant: building capacity to implement CCSS across the nation
2013’s grant: more implementation money for CCSS to survive and thrive
2014’s grant: money for student data safeguarding
Jump In, the Rest of the CCSS Gang is Here!
By no means are the folks at Gates Foundation the only CCSS supporters who are unabashedly partnering with the NASBE. Here’s the short list of the Backers for the Common Core with their hands in your state’s Boards of Education:
Pearson Publishing, Inc.
The Wallace Foundation
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishers
CTB-McGraw Hill
K12, Inc
College Board
ACT, Inc
See the rest of the gang at: http://www.nasbe.org/about-us/partners/ *Note: you’ll be sure to recognize almost all of the logos of those who support Common Core, don’t forget those who are included and don’t have a logo featured.
Navigating the Website:
Now that you know how subjective this non-profit is toward education and Common Core, be sure to look into their policy briefs. Handy for your research are downloads galore.
Topics that need our action on a citizen level (our action steps for today’s post) include:
Focus on the ‘curriculum and instruction’ topic (the most recent information is 2013), the ‘assessments’ (includes the Next Generation Science Standards), ‘standards and accountability’ (repeats some of the other downloads), ‘teaching’ (includes calling students ‘human capital’). What’s truly sad is there is absolutely NOTHING in the ‘education data privacy’ topic!
What may be surprising (especially if you’re new to fighting the Core): The Centers for Disease Control partnering with NASBE. Think there’s not a connection between CDC and student data? Here’s a pdf I found from the Stop Common Core New Hampshire’s site: Wellness-Evaluation
To see what the Stop CC NH folks have, be sure to see their website: http://stopcommoncorenh.org/sccnh/category/privacy/page/3/ *Note: look for the “Gilman Health and Wellness Survey” post.
To see the CDC’s other data mining tools: http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/surveys.htm
Some related articles:
https://www.commoncorediva.com/2014/09/30/from-the-files-health-care-gets-a-common-core-transfusion/ (my article where I show you the Mayo Clinic’s involvement and more)
Freedom Project Education’s You Tube video with Dr. Pesta and Mary Black, features where in the health care reform Common Core is primed for action. (see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OPpbQWg9X8 )
What You Can Do Now:
If you live in a state where your state level education people are elected, great! You are the TRUE power, not these CCSS bloated organizations! If you live in a state where those in charge are appointed, work to take the power of the people BACK to the people! Get to know how the State Board of Ed interacts with the state government. They MUST work together somehow. Is there a link your anti CCSS group can use a grain of sand that will quickly gain speed? If so, jump on it! If not, continue to beseech your officials to LISTEN to the people. Continue to use all the evidence you can to show those in charge. Many have very little clue as to just WHAT Common Core is OR the fact that it is in SO many places we were not informed of. We can’t afford to be blindsighted anymore than we’ve already been by the CCSS Machine!

Love reading your blog! I am a teacher and a parent of four children. I have recently started a blog to enlighten others on how the CCSS are affecting children in both the classroom and at home. I look forward to following your blog!
Thank you and welcome! Please feel free to search the archives for anything you may need. I started blogging in 08/14. I have many articles on the overreach of CC into not only home education, but post secondary as well.