This is a re-post of Sunday’s Riddle Me This. It is SO important that we shine the light on CCSS in special needs that I felt this was worth the re-posting. I also know not as many of my followers were able to access this story due to my road trip.
My fellow anti CCSS warriors, if you read this on Sunday, consider sharing it with someone in the warrior world against CC whom you know hasn’t read it. IF you didn’t get to access this on Sunday, I hope you will use the information to help raise as much awareness as possible. So many folks don’t really see how several groups (including Presence Learning seen above) are promoting CCSS for those with special needs. Today, as on Sunday, you’ll get an in-depth look at HOW ‘PL’ is selling school districts, families, and students on how ‘great’ Common Core can be for those with special needs.
Presence of Deceit:
I feel it’s important to point out that before we get too far into this company, we remember that CCSS is the absolute presence of deceit! Violating the U.S. Constitution, breaking laws of all sorts, AND being featured almost everywhere you turn. Not once, is anyone with a corporate logo willing to admit, all this is based on a false pretense; a lie; a disgrace. The CCSS serves no one well who’s not profiting. ESPECIALLY those who have needs outside the ‘norm’. For these students and teachers, CCSS is not only WRONG, it’s a crime that has gone unpunished.
Presence Learning:
In the screen shot below, note the ‘team’ members, notice their previous backgrounds as well. To see more about the ties that can alert you to more possible CC involvement, visit:

Presence’s Involvement in CCSS:
It appears the involvement of Presence Learning with CCSS is quite extensive. When I conducted a general search on their website, I got 3 pages of results that in various ways draw the line between the Standards and this ‘leader’ in areas for special needs students. Here’s one paper that especially needs to be seen by us anti CCSS warriors. Why? Because instead of the standards meeting the student’s needs, the students are to do what’s needed to conform to the Standards’ needs. To be able to access the entire document, you have to subscribe to PL. Here’s the link: http://presencelearning.com/news/presencelearning-white-paper-examines-role-slps-helping-students-develop-foundational-skills-needed-meet-ccss-2/
Here’s a second paper you might find worth investigating. The description of the paper includes the following, “The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) English language arts (ELA) goal is for students to develop “communicative competence,” which is the students’ ability to express themselves through different words and text.” Here’s the link to download a copy this paper (which also covers SLPs and assessments): http://presencelearning.com/resources/library/the-core-of-the-common-core/
You’ll more than likely want to see the videos PL has of the success stories their CCSS aligned services and products has given students and their schools. http://presencelearning.com/resources/videos/ You’ll probably be interested to know that on PL’s product tour page, they have this to say, “Organizations such as the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA), American Psychological Association, National Association of Social Workers, American Counseling Association, US Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) and the Mayo Clinic all recognize the effectiveness of online therapy, as do numerous research studies. Students who receive service through PresenceLearning perform the same or better than the national average in functional communication measures such as spoken language production, spoken language comprehension, and sound production. Students tend to meet their IEP goals 22% faster with PresenceLearning.”
You will most definitely want to watch the 3 part video on how to write a CCSS aligned IEP!! Access the page full of indoctrination: http://presencelearning.com/sped-ahead-webinars/shift-happens-new-iep-language-for-a-common-core-world/
About The Connections:
Earlier in my article I shared that the most common tie in PL team was Stanford University. Then I stated SU has been tied to CCSS. I think it only prudent to provide some proof for you.
Have you heard of the “Understanding Langue Initiative”? Stanford received help from both Carnegie AND Gates for this project. Carnegie’s Foundation gave $400,000 toward the Initiative (see: http://carnegie.org/grants/grants-database/ for June 2013) Gates’ Foundation has given Stanford several grants towards CCSS and/or related resources. While I couldn’t find a specific one for Understanding Language from June 2013, here’s the link to see all the funding GF has given Stanford. http://www.gatesfoundation.org/How-We-Work/Quick-Links/Grants-Database#q/k=Stanford%20University
Here’s the paper for the Initiative: 04-Van Lier Walqui Language and CCSS FINAL If you want the present day website, http://ell.stanford.edu/
Council of Chief State School Officers also was involved in the Understanding Language Initiative. See their document link,
Here’s what the CC website has in their ‘assets’ section, a paper on how to use CC with Special Needs students. application-to-students-with-disabilities
Counter that with this news article from 2014 about how damaging CC is for Special Needs.
While we all know how dis-serving CC is to all, I find it especially grievous that our most unique and wonderful children are being subjected to this way of learning. I feel so much for the teachers who must jump through the CC hoops as they watch what happens to their lovely charges in the classroom.
In my mind, I find it truly ironic that one of the most outspoken critics of CCSS also is connected to Stanford. If only the rest of those involved in CC would take a queue from him. Thank you, Dr. MIlgram. I’m glad you’ve joined the thousands of others who are against the CC.
Thank you to ALL those with the heart and care for our students..future leaders and citizens, regardless of abilities. You are tremendous!
5 thoughts on “FTF: ICYMI, CCSS’s “Present” to Special Needs”