Anti Common Core Warriors!! May 16th, Raleigh, NC..Be there! A live “Rally in Raleigh” is set to begin at 9:30 am and ends 3:30 pm. Hosted by the North Carolina Academic Freedom Alliance! The location? Colliers International Building, 702 Oberlin Road, Suite 400, Raleigh, NC , 27605
NC Warriors, time for ‘all hands on deck’! Out of state warriors, it’s time to gather together!
What you can expect during the Rally:
a) CCSS Fact Presentations
b) CCSS Warrior meet and greet opportunities
c) effective anti CCSS advocacy guidelines and training
d) a first hand look at the credible CCSS replacement, known as “The NC Plan”
e) live tweets with information you can use (in the event you are not able to be at the “Rally in Raleigh”. ‘Tweeters’ like myself will be there to keep you as up-to-date as possible.
e) ALL of the above is being offered to you at NO REQUIRED COST! As a newly ‘crowned’ non-profit, NCAFA is able to accept donations during the Rally so that future events can be planned and provided for.
What Headlines Has NCAFA warranted?:
LadyLiberty1885’s article: In her April 2015 article, you’re encouraged to get to know the NCAFA. Also included are the You Tube videos currently available so you can learn more! See: http://ladyliberty1885.com/2015/04/08/parents-should-get-to-know-the-nc-academic-freedom-alliance/
My article from March 2015: In it I give you the background of NCAFA in depth.
See: https://www.commoncorediva.com/2015/03/21/sic-em-saturday-academic-freedom/
Breitbart.com’s article: A ‘big deal’ to the leaders of NCAFA was when their efforts were recognized by an international news service!!

See the article: http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/03/29/how-the-grassroots-works-group-creates-north-carolina-plan-to-counter-failed-common-core/
Why Should You Get Involved?:
“Nothing on earth is more important to us than our children and grandchildren, including future generations we will never hold in our embrace. After giving them unconditional love and meeting their basic physical needs, our most important obligation is to give them an education…” A direct quote from the NCAFA’s file titled “Our Goal-Repeal and Replace Common Core in NC: Why Bother?” Hard copies of the entire “Why Bother” will be on site at the “Rally in Raleigh”.
*************Lastly, save the date: September 12, 2015. That’s the next MAJOR “Rally in Raleigh” hosted by the NCAFA!**************