Monday Musings: Know Thy Title 9, CCSS Warriors

Monday Musings
Where false authority governs, fallacies are ripe.
Where false authority governs, fallacies are ripe.

Greetings fellow anti CCSS Warriors! What can we expect from the CCSS Machine now that the precedent has been set to allow those who are not to govern us, in fact, do so? How do we handle this latest assault on our U.S. Constitution? How does all this impact Common Core and our battle against it in education? I believe all these questions have at least one thing in relation to each other…

Title 9 (a 1972 Education Amendment)
Updated and renamed in 2002

How Title 9 Already Impacts Education:

Because of the original intent of Title 9,Every school district and college in the United States is required to have a Title IX Coordinator who oversees implementation, training and compliance with Title IX. ATIXA brings campus and district Title IX Coordinators and administrators into professional collaboration to explore best practices, share resources and advance the worthy goal of gender equity in education.” (Source: ATIXA, or Association of Title 9 Administrators;

Wait, that’s not all! From the U.S. Dept. of Education, here’s what else Title 9 already impacts: Title IX applies to institutions that receive federal financial assistance from ED, including state and local educational agencies. These agencies include approximately 16,500 local school districts, 7,000 postsecondary institutions, as well as charter schools, for-profit schools, libraries, and museums. Also included are vocational rehabilitation agencies and education agencies of 50 states, the District of Columbia, and territories and possessions of the United States.” (Source:

So why I am I bringing this up now? Two reasons. The first: in case someone fighting Common Core didn’t know the above. The second: by knowing the above we can be watchful for the areas in which the most recent decision made by the Supreme Court will surface.

*NOTE: I’ll be digging into more about ATIXA and its parent group in tomorrow’s “From the File” Tuesday article. Be sure to access it. It’ll reveal more about the agenda/education grasp in America.

Title  9 Groundwork Already Achieved via CCSS:

1) An archive of everything the Title 9 has accomplished from the U.S. Dept. of Ed:

2) An example from the Ohioans Against CCSS. proves what many of us are finding in our current school a result of Title 9 (and the gender/non-gender issue we’re seeing more and more from CCSS aligned curricula). See:

3) An example of the ‘gender/no gender’ CCSS aligned curricula resource from Teaching Tolerance (a group many of us anti CCSS warriors have published evidence on about their allegiance to the CCSS Machine). See:

4) From Washington(state), a pdf of the National Sex Education Standards where CCSS is woven into them (access the document, then see Appendix D for “Selected CCSS English Language Arts”) WAsexed

5) If you’ve not seen these set of Sex Skills Standards from Planned Parenthood, you should. These combine all sorts of CCSS, gender-no-gender, anything is okay attitudes for students beginning Kindergarten and up). You’ll  need to visit the Freedom Project Education’s Common Core Resource page if you’ve not seen the PP’s Sex Skills Standards (be sure to note what other groups helped with these besides PP). See: (*Note: Scroll down to “National Sex Standards”, you’ll be able to download a zip drive document of the Standards)

Oh, For the Hype of It All:

So, what’s next for us in this educational battle? Plenty! We can expect more federal overreach. Maybe the next time it will be more sex education related, maybe not. We’ve seen the U.S. Dept. of Ed overreach its federal jurisdiction, now we know the Supreme Court is ‘playing this tune’ as well.

Congress? Well, we’ve seen (as researched and evidenced) where legislation is being bent to support federal overreach. An example of this is my last Friday’s “Fib-o-Meter” article. As important as the topic I addressed in it is, I purposed to NOT share it as much on Friday. Why? Because I knew with all the headlines the article would get lost.  So, here’s the link. The topic? “The D.C. Hype” for passing re-authorized versions of the Higher Education Act (which will contain Title 9 ramifications) and the HR5 (Every Child Achieves, or the latest version of ESEA from 1965, which also will have Title 9 implications). BOTH of these bills are MORE CCSS! MORE data mining! MORE federal overreach. See:

What Does an Anti CCSS Warrior Do Now?

Know that not just Title 9 impacts education. There titles built into educational parameters for almost every combination of guidelines you can imagine.
Know that when a bill or law or even suggested piece of legislation or related matter is state or federal hands it doesn’t belong, we need to not only know about it, but share the news and react proactively.
Know that bills on a state or federal level don’t necessarily have to do with educational needs to impact education. For example, not too long ago a federal level bill was put into action where the title pointed to just one issue, but in fact, had aligned educational intent embedded.

Don’t be surprised when moves like the one made last week is used to pit us against each other. That’s, in my researched opinion, a definite unintended bonus of the CCSS Machine. If they cannot conquer us, they’ll use certain issues tied to education OR education itself to cause us to fight amongst ourselves. We must beat them at their own intent! We must stand firm.

Lastly, realize that it is not only the outcome of any authority’s decision that sets the mold by which all future activities will be based; more importantly is HOW the decision is made. Did it follow proper, legal channels? Did it consider the citizens? When appropriate, were citizens involved? When appropriate, did the correct authority address the decision.

Why is all this important? It’s my belief that not only is anything LESS than what I’ve just described criminal, it sends a dangerous message of fallacy to all of us. If we play to win, we must win properly and justly. Not by any means possible. To win unjustly or by improper means it shows all of us, what you’re fighting for isn’t  all that important. It also proves out the age old saying. “Anything worth doing, is worth doing well.”

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